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imigh as, v.i. 1. Go out of. Imeacht as áit, to leave a place. Imeacht as amharc, to go out of sight. Imeacht as gléas, to go out of order. Imeacht as faisean, to go out of fashion. D’~ as airgead, he ran out of money. D’~ as mo cheann, it went out of my head. h~ as do mheabhair, dont take leave of your senses. Bhí ag imeacht as a chraiceann, he was jumping out of his skin. ag imeacht as do chuid éadaigh, you are growing out of your clothes. 2. Go from, be lost to. D’~ an teas as, it lost heat. an mhaith imithe as, the good is gone out of it. D’~ an anáil as, he expired. 3. Fade away, fail. Bheith ag imeacht as, to be fading away, failing, dying. imithe as, you have faded to nothing. 4. Give, slacken. D’~ as an téad, the rope slackened. D’~ as an tuile, the flood subsided.
lig an bhrí as; lig don bhrí imeacht as, dont let its strength evaporate.
Bhí an bád ag imeacht as ~, the boat was going out of control.
Dimigh as mo cheann, it slipped my memory.
Dimigh as a chéile, it went to pieces.
Dimigh na ~a uaidh, as faoi, his feet went from under him.
Dimigh as mo chuimhne, it went out of my mind.
Dimigh an ~ as, he snuffed out.
~ duine as an mbaile, s.o.’s departure from home.
D’~ as an tír, he left the country.
D’~ as fúm, it went from under me.
~ leat (uaim, amach as seo), get away (from me, out of here).
Dimigh siad as ~, they are of no account any more.
Dimigh mo mhuintir féin as an áit, my own people have left the place.
Imigh as mo ~, get out of my sight.
Dimigh an t~ as, he ran out of puff; he breathed his last.
Ag imeacht as a chuid éadaigh le ~, puffing himself up with pride.
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