gual, m. (gs. -ail). 1. Coal. ~ a bhaint, to dig coal. Mianach, poll, guail, coal-mine, coal-pit. Gás guail, coal-gas. Tine ghuail, coal-fire. 2. ~ (gabha, ceárta), charcoal. ~ adhmaid, cnámh, adhairce, móna, wood-, bone-, horn-, peat-, charcoal. Loisc tú do ghual is ní dhearna tú do ghoradh, ‘you burned out your charcoal and failed to fire your metal’, you bungled matters. Rinne sé ~ de mo chroí, it seared my heart.
Gual a bhaint, to mine coal.
~ airgid, guail, seod, snaoise, money-, coal-, jewel-, snuff-, box.
Ag ~adh guail, shovelling coal.
~ éadaigh, fíona, guail, clothes-, wine-, coal-, merchant.
Gual a chriathrú, to screen coal.
Gual, ola, a dhó, to burn coal, oil.
Chomh ~ le hairne, le bac, le cleite an fhéich, le gual, le pic, le sméar, le tóin corcáin, le Poll Tí Liabáin, as black as a sloe, as a hob, as a raven’s feather, as coal, as pitch, as a berry, as the bottom of a pot, as Erebus.
~ báid, coille, guail, boatman, woodsman, coalman.
~ ghuail, aolchloiche, seam of coal of limestone.
~ guail, nítrigine, coal-, nitrogen, gas.
Nach ~ do leithéid a chuirfeadh gual ar an tine! Isn’t it a wonder you wouldn’t put coal on the fire!
Níor ~ an gual, the coal did not light.
~ salainn, guail, half-hundredweight of salt, of coal.
1. Gual a loscadh, to burn, consume, coal.
~ adhmaid, mhóna, ghuail, wood-, turf-, coal-, ash.
~ guail, sack of coal; coal-sack.
~ guail, coal-mine, colliery.
~ guail, óir, coal-, gold-, miner.
~ guail, coal-pit, coal-mine.
~ guail, coaling station.
Cré, gual, a ~adh, to scoop up earth, coal.
~ fíona, guail, wine-, coal-, cellar.
~ guail, coal-dust, slack.
~ ghuail, mhóna, coal-, turf-, fire.
~ ghuail, olla, coal-, wool-, trade.
~ féir, guail, gainimh, load of hay, of coal, of sand.