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Similar words: gníomhú · sníomh · gnéimh · gníomhaí · gníomhas
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gníomh, m. (gs. -ímh, pl. ~artha). 1. Lit: (a) (Act of) doing, performing; working, exercising. Maith, olc, do ghníomh, to do good, evil. Ag ~ a thola, doing his will. Ag ~ a n-each, exercising their horses. (b) Work, function. ~ an ghabha, the smiths work. 2. (a) ~ uchta, breastwork. ~ caolaigh, wattle construction. (b)clamp’, built-up sods on stack of turf. ~ a chur ar mhóin, to build up turf. 3. Action. Rud a chur i n~, to put sth. into action. chuireann mo chomhairle i n~, if you act on my advice. Fear gnímh, man of action. briathar a dhearbhaíos ach ~, actions speak louder than words. 4. Act, deed. (a) ~ cóir, amaideach, wise, foolish, act. ~ follas, overt act. ~ gaile, deed of valour. ~ gaisce, feat of arms. ~ nirt a dhéanamh, to perform a feat of strength. raibh a fhios agam go raibh an ~ reatha sin ionat, I didnt know that you were capable of such a feat of running. Ba mhór an ~ é, it was a great achievement on his part. Is beag an ~ atá sa ghasúr sin go fóill, that boy is not fit to do much yet. (b) (Of occurrence) ~ , Act of God. déan ~ suite de, dont take it for an accomplished fact. (c)~ fill, act of treachery. Ba ghránna an ~ é, it was an ugly deed. Is millteanach an ~ duine a mharú, it is a terrible deed to kill a person. (d) ~ nuachair, conjugal act. (e) (Of prayer) ~ creidimh, dóchais, grá, act of faith, of hope, of charity. ~ dóláis, act of contrition. (f) Gníomhartha na nAspal, the Acts of the Apostles. (g) Peaca, grásta, gnímh, actual sin, grace. 5. Th: Act. An chéad ghníomh den dráma, the first act of the play. 6. (Of land measure) Twelfth part of ploughland; grass of one cow. 7. Jur: Fact. (Var: gs. & npl. ~a, gpl. ~)
~ orainn inár ngníomhartha, do not punish us for our deeds.
briathra a dhearbhaíos ach gníomh, actions speak louder than words.
An is gníomh is é is ~, great deeds go unthanked.
Cheadaigh an gníomh, he countenanced the deed.
an gníomh sin ina cheathrú liath orthu riamh ó shin, that deed is a blot on their escutcheon ever since.
Gníomhartha a chomhaireamh, to count, recount, deeds.
Gníomh ~, act of contrition.
~ roimh an ngníomh, i ndiaidh an ghnímh, accessory before, after, the fact.
Gníomh ~, cruel, heartless, deed.
Obair, gníomh, damhsa, cleas, a dhéanamh, to do, perform, work, a deed, a dance, a trick.
briathar a dhearbhaíonn ach gníomh, actions speak louder than words.
Gníomh ~, voluntary act.
Gníomh, duine, ~, shameless act, person.
Gníomh ~, doleful deed.
Gníomh dóláis, act of contrition.
Is ~ an gníomh é, it is a vile deed.
Gníomh ~, hard deed.
Gníomh éagóra, act of injustice.
Le gníomh le ~, by deed or omission.
Buille, gníomh, fill, treacherous blow, deed.
Gníomh folaigh, furtive act.
Gníomh ~, overt act.
Gníomh ~, good, proper, deed.
Gníomh agus ~, action and reaction.
Gníomh ~, deed of valour.
Gníomh ~a, feat of prowess; heroic deed.
Gníomh ~, violent deed.
Gníomh ~, unscrupulous deed.
Gníomh ~, foul deed.
Gníomh ~, ugly deed.
Gníomh ~, hasty deed.
Focal, gníomh, ~, awful word, deed.
mbeadh a ghníomh ~ lena chuid cainte, if he could match his words with action.
Focal, gníomh, ~, pardonable word, deed.
Gníomh ~, laudable deed.
5. Gníomh ~, low, mean, act.
Gníomh ~, sufficient deed, good enough deed.
Gníomhartha nach ~ linn, actions that dont appeal to us.
Gníomh ~, rash deed.
Gníomh ~, cowardly, dastardly, deed.
Gníomh ~, terrible deed.
Gníomh ~, shameless deed.
Gníomh ~, noble deed.
Gníomh ~, shameful deed.
Gníomh nirt, feat of strength.
Gníomh ~, overt act.
~ gnímh, actual sin.
Is) ~ linn an gníomh, we deplore the deed.
Gníomh ~, base deed.
Gníomh ~, base deed.
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