gléas1, m. (gs. -éis). Glaze; gloss, polish. ~ a chur i rud, to glaze sth. ~ i leathar, glaze in leather. ~ in éadach, sheen in cloth. Tháinig ~ ar a, ina, mhuinchillí le cuimilt, his sleeves became shiny with rubbing. Tá ~ i gcraiceann na bó, the cow has a sleek hide.
gléas2, m. (gs. -éis, pl. ~anna). 1. Order, adjustment, arrangement. Rud a chur i n~, to adjust sth; to put sth. in working order. (Of cogs, etc.) I n~, interlocked. I n~ (go), in such a way (that). As ~, out of order. Lit:An ~ atá ar na dúile, the order of the elements. 2. Means, facilities; provision, accommodation. ~ a bheith ort rud a dhéanamh, to have a means of doing sth. Tá ~ oibre air, he is equipped to work, has working facilities. Bhí ~ cainte orm, I was in a position to talk. Phósfadh sé dá mbeadh (an) ~ air, he would marry if he had the means. Ná fág ~ cúlchainte acu ort, don’t give them the chance to backbite you. Níl ~ uirthi éirí amach ag na páistí, she can’t go out on account of the children. ~ suí, seating accommodation. Cuireadh ~ bia orainn, we were given eating facilities. ~ beo, means of livelihood. Tá ~ maith (beo) orthu, they are in good circumstances. 3. Instrument, appliance, apparatus, outfit. ~ gearrtha, glanta, cutting, cleaning, appliance. ~ aeroibrithe, pneumatic tool. ~ stiúrtha, steering device. ~ tógála, lifting apparatus. ~ imeartha, playing outfit. ~ scríbhneoireachta, writing equipment. ~ tine, firing material. ~ taifeadta, recording equipment, recorder. ~ iompair, taistil, means of conveyance, of travel. ~ ceoil, musical instrument. F: Is iomaí ~ ceoil (a bhíos) ann, there are many ways of doing things. ~ cóipeála, duplicator. ~ faobhair, sharpener. 4. (a) Caparison, trappings; dress, attire. ~ a chur ort féin, to tog oneself out, to dress oneself. Níl ar a n-intinn ach spórt is ~, they only think of sport and fashion. (b) Tackle, harness. An ~ a chur ar chapall, to harness a horse. 5. Mus: Key.
gléas3, v.t. Adjust, arrange; fit out, equip; dress, array; prepare, make ready. Bád a ghléasadh, to fit out a boat. ~ an capall, harness the horse. Ghléas sí an bord, she set the table. Ghléas siad bia agus leaba dom, they prepared food and a bed for me. Ghléas sé é féin in éide sagairt, he dressed himself in priest’s clothes. ~ ort é, fit it on. Ghléas sé amach é féin, he togged himself out. ~ta le hornáidí, fitted, bedecked, with ornaments. ~ta i síoda, dressed, decked, in silk.
gléasadh, m. (gs. -sta). 1. vn. of gléas3. 2. Adjustment, equipment, preparation. S.a. crann 5(b). 3. Get-up, attire. (Var: gléas4 m)
Gléasta go ~ na méar, dressed to the nines.
Gléas ~, slí bheatha, means of livelihood.
Gléas ceoil, musical instrument.
Gléas ~a, signalling device.
Gléas craolacháin, (radio) transmission set.
Chuir tú as gléas é, you put it out of order.
Gléas dírithe, rectifying device.
Bainisteoir, gníomhaire, gléas, ~a, advertising manager, agent, medium.
Gléasta go ~, loudly dressed.
Gléasta go ~, elegantly dressed.
Stáisiún, gléas, ~a, receiving station, set.
Imeacht as gléas, to go out of order.
Gléas a ~, to manipulate an instrument.
Gléas maraithe, lethal weapon.
Gléas ceoil a mhéarú, to finger a musical instrument.
Gléasanna ~e, precision instruments.
Oibríonn an gléas sin uaidh féin, that appliance works automatically.
Gléasta go ~, gaily, colourfully, dressed.
Gléas rabhaidh, warning device.
~ gléasta, dressing-room.
Gléas, crann, compás, stiúrtha, steering-gear, -column, -compass.
Gléas stoptha, stopping device.
Gléas ~ite, suction apparatus.
Gléas taifeadta, recording equipment.
Gléas tarrthála, life-saving apparatus.
Dul as gléas, to go out of order.
Bealach, gléas, teite, way, means, of escape.
Gléas ceoil a chur i d~, to tune a musical instrument.
Gléas trasnála, traversing gear.
Gléas, focal, taca, a ~, to use an appliance, a word, a support.