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fómhar, m. (gs. & npl. -air, gpl. ~). 1. Autumn; harvest season. San fhómhar, in the autumn; at harvest-time. An chéad dfhómhar, the first day of autumn, of August. ~ (beag) na ngéanna, Indian summer. ~ beag na ngéanna aige, he has his Indian summer, is enjoying himself (in his declining years). S.a. deireadh1 1(c), meán1 1, meitheamh 2. 2. (Of crop, work). Harvest. An ~ a dhéanamh, to do the harvest work. An ~ a bhaint, to reap the harvest. An ~ a chur isteach, to get in, secure, the harvest. ~ an fhéir, na bprátaí, na sméar, the hay, potato, berry, harvest. ~ na farraige, the sea harvest, the fishing. ~ na mban fann, [’harvest of the weak women’, harvest of distress (due to shortage of men). Prov: hiad na fir mhóra a bhaineann an ~ (go huile), strength is not everything. 3. (a) (Of rush of business) ~ a bheith ort, to be rushed with ones work, in a hurry to get things done. an ~ ar leathadh air, he cant get things done fast enough. (b) (Of reward of enterprise) Is é do fómhair é, you are reaping your reward; it is your lucky day. (c) F: Ag déanamh fómhair, courting. 4. (As vn.)Ag ~, harvesting.
~ an earraigh, an fhómhair, spring-time, harvest-time.
~ an fhómhair, the ripening of the harvest, the mellowing change of autumn.
~ fhómhair, harvesting gang.
Chuireamar an ~ ar obair an fhómhair, we completed the harvest work.
~ an earraigh, an fhómhair, spring, autumnal, equinox.
An fómhar a chrapadh, to bring in the harvest.
~ an fhómhair, autumnal crocus, colchicum.
An fómhar a chur isteach, to put in the harvest.
An féar, an fómhar, a dhéanamh, to make the hay, the harvest.
D~ Fómhair, October.
Fómhar féarmhar agus earrach ~, a good autumn makes for a lean spring.
Fómhar ~, abundant harvest.
Fómhar ~, scanty harvest.
~ (fómhair), pretty and showy girl.
Ar fhinne an fhómhair, like ripening corn; straw-coloured.
Fuílligh (fómhair), (harvest) gleanings.
an fómhar ag ~adh, the harvest is ripening.
~ an fhómhair, ripening of harvest.
an fómhar ~, the harvest is in.
mo chuid fómhair ar lár, my harvest is not yet saved.
an fómhar ar ~ air, he cant keep pace with all the work he has to do.
Chomh ~ta le frog fómhair, as full as an autumn frog, sated with food or drink.
Fómhar ~, late harvest.
Fómhar faoi mhaoil, bountiful harvest.
~ Fómhair, mid-autumn, September.
~ an Fhómhair, mid-autumn, September.
~ fómhair, harvest-bug.
~ an tsaoil an fómhar, autumn is the all-providing season.
~ mór an fhómhair, na Féile Michíl, autumn equinoctial tide.
~ fómhair, harvest gleaning.
An fómhar a tharlú, to gather in the harvest.
Rachaidh an fómhar ó bhaint, the harvest will be left uncut.
Fómhar ~, plentiful harvest.
~ fómhair, autumn evening.
Bhí fómhar ~ acu i mbliana, they had a plentiful harvest this year.
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