faichill1, f. (gs. ~e). 1. vn. of faichill2. 2. Care, caution; wariness, guardedness. Bheith ar d’fhaichill, to be cautious; to be wary, to beware (ar dhuine, ar rud, of s.o., of sth.). Duine a chur ar a fhaichill (ar), to put s.o. on his guard (against). Bhí sé ar a fhaichill romhainn, he was guarded in our presence. Dá mbeadh ~ aige ar a theanga, if only he would guard his tongue. Níl ~ ar bith ann, he takes no precautions. ~ a thóna féin ar gach fear, let every man guard his own rear, every man for himself. (Var: faichilt f)
faichill2, v.t. & i. Be careful of; (with ar) be wary of, on guard against. Rud a fhaichill, to be careful of sth. ~ do shúil, mind your eye. ~ na huibheacha, be careful of the eggs. Tú féin a fhaichill ar rud, to be wary of sth. Níor fhaichill sé é féin ar na taismí, he didn’t take precautions against accidents. ~! Be careful! Beware!
Bí ar d’fhaichill air, tá ~ ann, beware of him, he is deceptive.
~ann tú a bheith ar d’fhaichill orthu, you may beware of them.
Dá ~ ciall atá aige, tá faichill ann, little sense as he has he can be cautious.
Faichill thú féin ar an ~ sin, beware of that boyo.
Faichill thú féin air, tá sé ~ sleamhain, beware of him, he is slippery and insidious.
Faichill thú féin air, tá sé ~, be wary of him, he is quick-tempered.