eile1, a. & adv. & s. 1. a3. Other, another; next, more, else. Ceann, an ceann, ~, another, the other, one. Bealach ~, another, an alternative, way. Fáth ~, another, an additional, reason. An lá ~, the other day; a few days ago. An saol ~, the next world. Uair amháin ~, one more time, once more. Am éigin ~, some other time. A oiread ~, as many more; as much again. Pointe nó dhó ~, one or two further points. Míle nó dhó ~, another mile or two. An chéad rud ~, the next thing. Scéal ~ ar fad, a different story altogether. In aon áit ~, in any other place, anywhere else. Aon rud ~, anything else. Rud ~ de, what is more, furthermore. An chuid ~ acu, the rest of them. Ceann i ndiaidh an chinn ~, one after the other. Cuid an duine ~, another person’s property. Níl sé mar dhuine ~, he is not like others, not normal. Mar a dúirt an fear ~, as the other man said; as the saying goes. 2. adv. Else. Cé ~? Who else? Cad (é) ~? What else? Conas ~? How else? Is beag ~ a bhí le rá aige, he had little else to say. Is gairid, ní fada, ~ a mhairfidh siad, they won’t last much longer. 3. (As s.) Níl teach ná ~ aige, he has neither a house nor anything else. 4. D’~ = cad ~ : cad1 1(f).
eile2 = uile.
Dá mbeadh bliain eile agam, if I had another year.
Agus cúpla ceann eile mar ~, and a few more added for good measure.
Rud a thógáil in ~ ruda eile, to take sth. in mistake for sth. else.
Is beag eile atá ar a ~, he has little else to do.
Ní hé sin an chiall atá leis san ~ eile, that is not what it means in the other passage, context.
Duine a ~t ar dhuine eile, as duine eile, to recognize s.o. by his resemblance to s.o. else.
Rud a ~t ó, thar, rud eile, to distinguish between one thing and another.
~ eile, ~ éigin eile, another, some other, time.
~ gach duine eile, like everybody else.
~ a dhéanamh ar chuid na muintire eile, to usurp other people’s goods.
Rud a thógáil in ~ ruda eile, to mistake one thing for another.
Níl aon ní eile ag cur ~e air, nothing else concerns, bothers, him.
~ agus ~ eile, again and again.
~ ar obair daoine eile, rehash of other people’s work.
De bharr ar aon duine eile, more than, rather than, any one else.
Tá cuid eile againn ar do bharúil, there are others of us who think as you do.
Cuir ~ eile leis, add a little more to it.
~ eile seanchainte uait, give no more back-answers.
Bhí mé ag amharc an ~ eile, I was looking the other way.
Níl pingin ag breith ar an bpingin eile aige, he spends every penny as fast as he earns it.
Tá port breá eile aige, mar atá an Chúileann, he has another fine tune, namely, the Coolin.
Ní bheidh mé do do bhodhrú leis an gcuid eile de, I shall not bore you with the rest of it.
Níl a fhios ag aon duine cá luíonn an bhróg ar an duine eile, one never knows what someone else’s troubles may be.
~ eile? What else. How else?
~ eile mar a déarfainn é? How else should I say it? (As exclamation)
Cuid den chadhain seo a chur sa chadhain (úd) eile, robbing Peter to pay Paul.
Cuir ~ eile sa téad, give another twist to the rope.
Cé hí an bhean eile? Who is the other woman?
An chéad lá, duine, rud, eile, the next day, person, thing.
Rud a cheangal de rud eile, to tie sth. to sth. else.
Cheanglaíomar isteach de bhád eile, we made fast to another boat.
~ eile a bheadh uait? What more would you want?
Aithníonn ~ ~ eile, birds of a feather flock together.
~ ar bith eile, whatever else.
~ a chur tamall eile ar an mbás, to cheat death for another while.
Lig sé isteach ar chluas agus amach ar chluas, ar an g~ eile, é, he let it in one ear and out the other.
An scoil a choimeád tamall eile, to remain at school for another while.
Cér chóra do dhuine eile? Who is more deserving?
Thugamar ~ eile, we made another cast.
~ a chur thar an g~ eile, to cross one’s legs.
Níl mé in ann ~ a chur thar an g~ eile, I am completely exhausted.
Tá ~ amuigh agus ~ istigh san uaigh aige; tá ~ leis san uaigh (agus an chos eile ar a bruach), he has one foot in the grave.
Is réidh stiall de chraiceann duine eile agaibh, you have little regard for other people’s character.
Chuir sin ~ eile ar an scéal, that put a different complexion on the matter.
eile agaibh, den teaghlach, others of you, of the family.
An chuid eile den scéal, the rest of the story.
Bheith beo ar chuid na muintire eile, to live at other people’s expense.