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corp, m. (gs. & npl. coirp, gpl. ~). Body. 1. Living body. (a) Idir anam agus chorp, both body and soul. Scaradh anama le ~, the parting of soul and body, the passing of life. Bhí eagla a choirp air, he was in bodily fear. Do chorp don diabhal! The devil take you! Thug a g~ don fhear thíos, he told them to go to blazes. S.a. aiséirí 2. (b) ~ Chríost, the Body of Christ, the Eucharist. ~ mistiúil Chríost, the mystical body of Christ. 2. Corpse. ~ os cionn cláir, i gcónra, san uaigh, a body laid out, coffined, in the grave. ag déanamh ~ ar clár díot féin, dont be showing off. Muintir an choirp, the next of kin of the deceased. Teach an choirp, the wake-house. Rinneadh ~ de, he was killed outright. S.a. braillín. 3. Bodily frame. Léim as a chorp, he jumped out of his skin. Dimigh an méid a bhí ina chorp, he made off as fast as his legs could carry him. Caitheadh thar a chorp é, he was thrown head over heels. raibh aon chnámh ina chorp nár briseadh, every bone in his body was broken. raibh aon chleas ina chorp nár fhéach , he tried every trick he was capable of. Níl aon snáithe ar a chorp, he hasnt a stitch of clothes on. Idir chorp (is) cheirt; idir chorp is chleití; idir chorp chleite is sciathán, bodily, entirely. Neart coirp, bodily strength. Is mór an ~ atá aige, he has a huge frame. 4. Main part, trunk. ~ gan cheann, headless body. An ~ agus na géaga, the body and limbs. Rug thar mo chorp orm, he caught me round the body. ~ crainn, trunk of tree. ~ colúin, shank of column. ~ eaglaise, nave of church. Ar chorp na sráide, in the middle of the street. I g~ an lae, an tsamhraidh, an aonaigh, in the middle of the day, of summer, of the fair. 5. Hulk. Bhí an bád caite ina ~ ar an trá, the boat was cast as a hulk on the strand. 6. (Expressing totality) Is é ~ na fírinne é, it is perfectly true. Is ~ an duine uasail, you are a perfect gentleman. Le ~ nirt, by main force. De chorp, daon chorp, le haon chorp, eagla, through sheer terror. Ag teacht ~ ar aghaidh orainn, coming full at us. Beidh siad ar an g~ chugainn, they will be in on top of us. 7. Aggregate body. Lit: Déanfaidh an dáimh seo go gearr aon chorp, these kindred spirits will shortly form themselves into one body. 8. (Denoting various internal organs of the body) Crua sa chorp, confined in the bowels, constipated. Chuir ~ air féin ag ithe, he stuffed his paunch with food. Bhí an bhó ag cur a coirp amach, the cow had a prolapsus (at calving).
Gach ~ chorp, every member of his body.
~ na colainne, na gcorp, the resurrection of the body.
Idir ~ is chorp, body and soul.
Is corp ~ an Eaglais, the Church is one body.
~ den chorp, part, organ, of body.
~ báis, binse, cimithe, coirp, cuardaigh, gabhála, urghabhála, death, bench, committal, body, search, arrest, seizure, warrant.
~ as a chorp, he is loose in the bowels.
Bhainfeadh an bhraillín den chorp, he would rob a corpse of its winding-sheet; nothing is too mean for him.
Corp Chríost a chaitheamh, to partake of the Body of Christ, receive Communion.
Anam i g~ an choirp, a soul imprisoned within the body.
Théadh i g~ chúng chloiche do thabhairt péine chorp, he used to confine himself in a narrow stone cell in order to mortify his body.
~te sa chorp, constipated.
Corp a chiorrú, to mutilate a body.
Rugadh air idir chorp chleite is sciathán, he was seized bodily.
~ nirt, an choirp, an duine, subjection of strength, of the body, of the person.
~ choirp, anama, physical, spiritual, wound.
Corp a chóiriú, to lay out a corpse.
Ag ~t na gcorp, mangling the bodies.
~ coirp, intinne, anama, bodily, mental, spiritual, food.
~ an choirp, mortification of the body.
Do chorp a chrapadh, to contract ones body.
~ sa chorp, sa bholg, constipated.
~ coirp, sróine, body, nasal, cavity.
~ coirp agus anama (le chéile), the separation of body and soul.
~ Chorp Chríost, (the Thursday of) Corpus Christi.
Danam, do chorp, don ~! Damn you!
~ choirp, anama, bodily, spiritual, harm.
~ corp, cremation of bodies.
Corp a dhó, to cremate a body.
Corp ~, elemental body.
Anam, corp, nádúr, an ~, human soul, body, nature.
Chuir ~ a choirp, a chraicinn, air, you made him shake in his shoes.
~ choirp, intinne, physical, mental, ailment.
Corp a fhaire, to wake a corpse.
Fáisceáin (choirp), swathings, wrappings.
~ an choirp, the functioning of the body.
~ ina chorp, there is vigour in his body.
Bhí ~a fairsinge ar a chorp, there were gaping wounds in his body.
~ coirp agus intinne, bodily and mental affliction.
(Corp) ina luí faoi ghradam, (a body) lying in state.
a chorp ~, his bowels are constipated.
~ chorp agus anam, (both) body and soul.
~ coirp, movement of body.
~ coirp, carriage of body, posture.
Rinneadh ~ ar na coirp, the bodies were mutilated.
~ sa chorp, leis an aois, weak in the body, with age.
~ coirp, weakness of body.
~ corp, dissolution of bodies.
~ as bonn, ~ choirp, standing jump.
Chuaigh de ~ thar a chorp, he jumped head over heels, turned somersault.
~ airm, armlóin, eitilte, faisnéise, leighis, taidhleoireachta, army, army service, flying, intelligence, medical, diplomatic, corps.
An Slua M~, the Marine Corps.
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