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big could be a grammatical form of: beag »
big : beag1,2.
an-~ eatarthu, they are a big distance apart.
~ (mná), big strong woman.
mhéad é is ~ is fearr é, the bigger (it is) the better.
an-mhór, it is very big.
mór ~, ina ~, he is big for his age.
2. ~ fir, mná, big, strong, man, woman.
Bheith mór, beag, óg, aosta, to be big, small, young, old.
2. ~ (de ghasúr), big lump of a lad; pudgy boy.
Fear ~ mór, fine big man.
Le ~ ualaigh, with too big a load.
2. ~ (dfhear, de ghasúr), strong rough man, big strong youth.
Bhí ~ mór ann aréir ag an damhsa, there was a big fight last night at the dance.
~ fir, a big man.
~ fir, mná, big robust man, woman.
de dhuine, big awkward person.
chomh mór leis? How big is he?
An ~ mór, the big one.
Chonaic ~ loin ba mhó do cheathrú martáin, I saw a blackbirds thigh that was bigger than your little quarter of beef.
Is ort atá an ~! Your mouth is too big, you talk too much.
~ tine a chur síos, to put on a big fire.
~ dfhiacail, de chos, big flat tooth, foot.
~ capaill, maide, big strong horse, stick.
~ fir, mná, big lazy man, woman.
~ de bhuachaill, big lump of a boy.
~ amadáin, big fool.
mór oibre os mo choinne, there is a big days work confronting me.
mór an ~ é, he is not very big, not hard to feed.
~ de bhean mhór, a big broad-built woman.
~ cloiche, big lump of stone.
Fuair ~ an iarraidh seo, I got a really big one this time.
~ mór, láidir, cliste, extremely big, strong, clever.
~ mór, extremely big.
Níl chomh mór dfhear leat, he is not as big a man as you.
Is maith leis fear mór a dhéanamh de féin, he likes to make a big man of himself.
~ bhfuinneog mhóra, ten big windows.
1. ~, an , chrann mhóra, two, the two, big trees.
~ mór, (i) big, bass, drum, (ii) (fife and) drum band.
Éirí mór, láidir, aosta, to grow big, strong, old.
Ag fáil mór, fuar, dorcha, getting big, cold, dark.
~ cloiche, big lump of stone.
An ~ mór a bheith agat, to talk big.
~a cainte, big words, jawbreakers.
Fear mór ~, big rough- featured man; big bony man.
~ ann, it is fairly big.
~ capaill, fine big horse.
~ fir, big, stout, man.
laoi go Laoi an Amadáin Mhóir, there is no lay like the Lay of the Big Fool.
) ag imeacht romhat go bhfeicfidh teach mór, keep on going until you see a big house.
Duine ~, big eater.
~ (mná), big strong woman.
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