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bang1, m. (gs. ~a, pl. ~anna). 1. Swim: Stroke, single effort. ~ a chaitheamh, to swim a stroke. Níl ~ aige, he cant swim a stroke. Is maith an ~ é, it is a good distance to swim. 2. Effort, (vigorous) movement. Is é a bhang é, it is the best he can do.
bang2, f. (gs. bainge, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1. Ban, interdict, taboo. 2. Restraint. ~ a choinneáil ar rud, to keep sth. in check. Cuir ~ ort féin, restrain yourself.
bang3, f = crobhaing.
bang4 = banc1.
Dimigh de phléasc, it went off with a bang.
Dhún an doras de phlab, the door closed with a bang.
An doras a phlabadh, to bang the door.
~ a bhualadh ar rud, to bang sth.
Ag ~adh an bhoird, banging the table.
~ a bhaint as an mbord, to bang the table.
~ a bhualadh ar an doras, to bang the door.
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