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at could be a grammatical form of: aslaigh » · aslaigh » · aslaigh » · aslaigh »
at1, m. (gs. as s. ait, as vn. ata; pl. atanna). 1. vn. of at2. 2. Swelling.
at2, v.i. (pp. ata). 1. Swell. 2. Bloat. 3. (Of sea) Heave.
An rud atá a scríobh, what he is writing.
Céard atá a ? What are you saying?
atá a , I am not referring to you.
ag teacht atá siad ~ ag imeacht, they are not coming but going.
Is maith an atá ag tabhairt achasáin uaidh, the pot calling the kettle black.
atá ag an leanbh? Who is minding the baby?
Is aige atá an fhoighne, he has great patience.
Is agaibh atá an saol, you have a great time.
Is air atá an ~; is dána an ~ atá air, he is bold, brazen.
Láidir ~ mar atá , strong as he is.
Is ~ an aois atá aige, he is a great age.
An rud atá in ~ lena thoil, what he really wishes.
Is mór ~ atá orm, I deeply regret it.
Is ~ an scéal atá agat, your story is absurd.
Is diail an t-~ atá aige, he is the devil for talk.
an rud a deir atá ina ~ aige, he is not speaking his mind.
An rud atá i m’~ chugat, my intentions towards you.
Is breá an ~ atá aige, he has a strong voice.
h~ é? h~ ? Cad is ~ ? Cén t-~ atá air? What is his name?
orm atá ~ aige, a ~, he is not minding me.
Is beag eile atá ar a ~, he has little else to do.
is atá ar m’~, that is not what concerns me most.
Sin é atá áirithe , so it is reckoned.
Níl a fhios ag duine cad é atá in ~ , no man knows what is in store for him.
B’~ liom a bheith ann, I should like to be there.
Is ~ a chruthaigh , he did very well.
Duine ~, a queer person.
Is ~ an mac an saol, life is strange; such is life.
sin an chiall atá leis san ~ eile, that is not what it means in the other passage, context.
Fear (atá) ar m’~, a man I know.
Fear (atá) ar m’~, a man I know.
Is maith an ~ atá agat, you are quick to recognize people.
Is bocht an t-~ atá air, he has a poor place to live in.
Cén t-~ é? Cad é an t-~ atá ? What time is it?
San ~ atá le teacht, in the time to come.
Faisean nua atá ag teacht ~, a new fashion that is being introduced.
Is ~ atá , mar atá , nach n-aithním thú, the fact of the matter is that I do not recognize you.
Is fada atá ~, he is gone a long time.
Is fada an muineál atá air, he has got such a long neck.
Is atá ~! So it is you! How like you!
atá agam ~? seo agam ~? Who is it? Who are you?
atá ~? Who is here? Who is this?
An t-~ iníon (amháin) atá acu, the only daughter they have.
Cad é an chaint atá ort? What are you talking about?
Nach moch an siúl atá orthu? Arent they early afoot?
An cárta atá ar ~ boise agat, the first card in your hand.
An rud atá ar mo cheann, what is in store for me.
atá as láthair? Who is absent?
Cén bhail atá oraibh? How are you keeping?
Is deas an bhail atá anois orm! I am in a fine predicament now.
Dúirt liom féin gurbh fhearr dom fanacht sa bhaile, I said in my own mind, I considered, that it would be better for me to stay at home.
Chuaigh , chuir é féin, thar a ~ leis, he overstrained himself at it, overdid it.
Tharraing lena ~ air, he struck at it as hard as he could.
I ndeireadh a ~e, at the end of his resources.
~ na gcártaí air, he is lucky at cards.
2. ~ feamainne, heap of seaweed (at high-water mark).
Ag ~ orainn, gazing (in wonder) at us.
Ag an doras, an tine, an abhainn, at the door, the fire, the river.
Ag an teach, an scoil, at the house, the school.
Ag baile, at home.
Ag an Éirne, at the Erne.
Ag Bealach an Doirín, at, when at, Ballaghadereen.
Ag an aonach, ag an Aifreann, at the fair, at Mass.
Ag bainis, cruinniú, at a wedding, a meeting.
Ag a a chlog, at six oclock.
Ag am tae, at tea-time.
Éirímid ag an Soiscéal, we rise at the Gospel.
ag na prátaí, he is working at the potatoes.
Go dona ag an Laidin, ag an léann, poor at Latin, learning.
Caith ~ leis, take time at it, dont rush it.
~ reatha, (short) sprint, run (as at a jump).
D’~ é fanacht sa bhaile, I pleaded with him, begged him, to stay at home.
Bhí ~ an chruinnithe air, he was the centre of attraction at the meeting.
Diarr é ~ gan é ag teastáil uaidh ar chor ar bith, he asked for it although he did not need it at all.
In ~ láimhe, near at hand.
Ag, ar, an ~, at Mass.
Níor mhór duit ~ láidir a bheith agat chun féachaint air, one would need a strong stomach to look at it.
Gunna a aimsiú ar dhuine, to aim a gun at s.o.
In ~ a bháis, at the time of his death.
~ ar obair , ar theagasc, inexperienced at house-work, at teaching.
bhfaigheadh an diabhal ~ air, he is always on the alert, the devil himself couldnt take him at a disadvantage.
~ a dhéanamh (ar), to make, earn, money (at, on); to make a profit (on).
Tráthanna ~ den bhliain, (at) certain times of the year.
Ach go h~, anyway, at any rate.
Ar ~ ar éigean, willingly or unwillingly; at all costs.
Ar d’~, at your convenience.
Ar ~! At ease!
Le h~ an lae, at the first sign of dawn.
3. ~ a thabhairt ar rud, to grab, snap, at sth.
Thug an madra ~ orm, the dog made a snap at me.
~ a thabhairt ar rud, to grab, snatch at, sth.
In ~ na huaire seo, at this juncture.
Bia a altú, altú le bia, to say grace at meals.
Deoch altaithe, drink at end of meal.
Dul chun na haltóra, to attend at the altar, to receive communion.
Bhí ~ mhór air, a large sum was taken up in offerings at his funeral.
In ~ trátha, at the proper time.
Glac, tóg, d’~ leis, take your time at it.
An t-~ seo den bhliain, (at) this time of year.
(In) ~ ar bith, at any time.
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