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airigh could be a grammatical form of: aireach »
airigh1, v.t. (vn. -reachtáil). 1. Perceive, sense. D’~ sa láthair é, I sensed his presence. D’~ go raibh eagla orm, he perceived that I was afraid. D’~ air go raibh imníoch, I perceived he was anxious. 2. Feel. Pian a aireachtáil, to feel pain. Airím trom é, I feel it heavy. Cén chaoi a n-airíonn ? How do you feel? Airím chugam féin, I feel all right. 3. Hear. D’~ a ainm á lua, he heard his name mentioned. Níor ~ i gceart é, I didnt quite catch it. Níor ~ a leithéid riamh, I never heard the like of it. An airíonn leat ? Do you hear me? 4. (With ó) Miss, feel the want of. D’~ uaim iad, I missed them. Aireoidh siad (uathu) a n-athair, they will miss their father. 5. Fish: Get a bite.
airigh2, gsm. of aireach1.
An rud is ~ air, what he deserves.
Is maith an ~ air é, he deserves it well.
is ~ air, it is not what he deserves.
Más ~ air é, if he deserves it.
~ an mhagaidh, laughing-stock.
Is ~ sheachanta é, he is one to be avoided.
Airím go ~ thú, I hear you perfectly; I like what I hear from you.
Dairigh ~, I heard sth. stirring.
Ba mhaith an airí orthu é, they well deserved it.
Is ~ air é, he doesnt deserve it.
Airím uaim iad, I miss them.
Ar airigh an ~? Did you hear the crash?
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