~ ab é, ~ gurb é, an teas, but for the heat.
~ ab é mise, only for me.
~ ab é go bhfuil deifir orm, if I weren’t in a hurry.
Cad ab ~ leat díom? What do you want with me?
Cad ab ~ leat á dhéanamh sin? What are you doing that for?
Is é ab ~ liom a rá, what I want to say is.
An fear ab ~e liom, the man I liked best.
Nuair ab ~ dúinn imeacht, when it was time for us to go.
Ní raibh ~ ach cé ab fhearr, they were all vying with one another.
Tá tú luath, rud ab ~ leat, you are early, which is seldom the case with you.
Ní hé sin an rud ab ~ liom, that is not my dearest wish.
~ ab áil leat díom? What would, do, you want with me?
Cé ab fhearr é ná a mhalairt? Was it any better than anything else?
Cheanglófaí fear ab fhearr ciall ná é, he was acting like a maniac.
Cad ab áil leat díom? What do you want with me?
An fear ab fhearr de cheann eaglaise, the best man (at providing) for the church.
Ní raibh aon fhear ina dhiaidh ab fhearr ná é, no better man succeeded him.
Rud ab éadóiche ná sin féin, what would be even more unlikely than that.
Rud ab ~ liom a rá leis, what I would readily say to him.
An rud is ~, ab ~, a dhéanamh, what has, had, to be done.
Níor leis ab fhaillí é, he did not let the opportunity pass.
Cad ab fhiú an obair a rinne sé? What was the work he did worth? Was his work any good?
Ba mhaith ab fhiú mo shaothar é, it was well worth the effort I put into it.
Leabhar ab fhiú a léamh, a book that was worth reading.
Ba í an chulaith ab fhearr agam í, it was the best suit I had.
Ba ~ an dream ab fhearr léann ~, they were the best-educated body of people.
Inseoidh sin duit cad é ab fhiú é, that will show you how much it was worth.
Is iomaí rud ab iontaí (ná é), stranger things could happen.
Rud ab fhusa a dhéanamh, something that was easier to do.
Ba í an bhean ab áille acu uile í, she was the most beautiful woman of them all.
An té ab ansa léi, the one she loved best.
Bean ab áille ~, a woman loveliest to behold.
Ba mhíle ab fhearr liom agam é, I should much prefer to have it.
Ba mhó ab fhada liom an lá, the day seemed long in passing to me.
Fuair tú an rud ab ~ ort, you got your deserts.
Níor shill súil oirear ab fhearr, eye hath not seen a better land.
Níor shiúil sé an talamh fear ab fhearr ná é, a better man never walked the earth.
Fear ab ard ~, a man of high renown.
~ an aba, the next in rank to the abbot.