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dia1, m. (gs. , pl. déithe). God. 1. Deity. Déithe adhartha, gods of (pagan) worship. ~ bréige, false god, idol. ~ beag a dhéanamh de dhuine, to make a (little tin) god of s.o. 2. D~ an tAthair, an Mac, an Spiorad Naomh, God the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost. D~ Uilechumhachtach, God Almighty. A Dhia (dhílis)! O (dear) God! A Dhia (mhór) na glóire! (Great) God of glory! (Go mbeannaí) D~ duit, daoibh! God save you! ~ anseo, sa teach! God bless all here! ~ liom, leat, linn! God bless me, you, us! ~ (go deo) leat! Bravo! Well done! Ba é D~ a bhí leis nár loiteadh é, it was the mercy of God that he was not hurt. In ainm , in Gods name. In onóir, as ucht, i gcuntas, ar son, , for Gods, heavens, sake. Rud a dhéanamh de gheall ar Dhia, to do sth. for Gods sake. a fhios ag D~ (go), God knows (that). Ag D~ (féin) atá a fhios, God only knows. Níl a fhios agam faoi Dhia, ó Dhia anuas, I dont know under heaven. Faoi Dhia cad é a dhéanfaimid? What on earth are we to do! Idir is D~, I swear to God. Mura bhfuil ag D~, unless God has decreed otherwise. Más toil, más áil, le D~ (go), if God wills (that). Bfhéidir, bfhurasta, le D~ sin, please God. Bfholláin duit nár rug ort, you were lucky (it was Gods will) that he did not catch you. Go dtuga D~ sin, God grant it. Thug D~ dom gur éalaigh orthu, providentially I escaped from them. Chí D~ sin! What a pity! Bhí mar a chonaic D~ é, he was in a pitiable state. Nár fheice, nár lige, D~ (go), God forbid (that). Go lige D~ do shláinte leat, God grant you health. Go gcuire D~ rath ort, God prosper you. Is é D~ a chuir chugam é, it was a godsend to me. Go méadaí D~ thú, do stór, God grant you abundance. Go gcúití D~ leat é, God requite you for it. Go saolaí D~ é, God grant him length of life. Go sábhála D~ sinn; D~ ár sábháil, God save us. D~ ár gcumhdach, ár gcoisreacan, God protect, bless, us. Duine a fhágáil ag D~, to let God deal with s.o. Fágaim faoi Dhia iad, I leave them to God to judge. Do chuid a bheith ar Dhia, to be dependent on God for subsistence, rely on Gods gifts. Cibé a dhéanfas D~ linn, whatever God has in store for us. Prov: D~ láidir (agus máthair mhaith aige), God is strong, a powerful ally in distress. Prov: Is maith D~ go (agus fearr go brách), Gods help is always near. Prov: Is fada siar an rud a chuirfeadh D~ aniar, nothing is impossible in the sight of God. Prov: Níor dhún D~ doras riamh nár oscail ceann eile, [’God never closed one door without opening another’, God never shuts out opportunity. Is a dúirt agus D~, man proposes, God disposes. Fad a bheas D~ ina Dhia, while there is a God above. Ba mhór an tslí chun é, it would be a great act of mercy. S.a. aoibhinn, bóín 2, bolgach1, dallán1 4, deoir1 3, deoraí1 1, duine 1, gairid 4, grá 2, 3(b), 6, lámh 12 (b), suáilce 1(b), súil 2 (a), trócaire. (Var: gs. ~)
dia2, s. 1. Lit: Day. 2 = 2 2.
dia3, s. (In lit. phrase) ~ de, enough of.
dia4, var. gs. of 1. (In phrases) Leá ~ orthu! Bad scran to them! Leá ~ de dhuine, feckless person.
dia5, s. (In phrase) Mar dhia go : mar 4(d).
dia6 = 1,2,3,4.
dia-7, pref. Dia-
A Dhia! O God!
Mar a bheadh Dia á leis, as if God ordained it, as if his life depended on it.
~ grásta , but for the grace of God.
Ag ~t ar Dhia, chun , beseeching God.
Go gcuire Dia an t-~ ort, (i) may God prosper you, (ii) God love you!
Dia a adhradh, to adore God.
Go h~ le Dia, providentially.
Admhaím do Dhia, I confess to God.
Fuafar ag Dia, hateful to God.
Dia a ~t, to implore God.
Agróidh Dia orthu é, God will punish them for it.
Nár agraí Dia ort é, may God forgive you for (doing, saying) it.
~ a thabhairt ar Dhia, to turn to God.
An mbeidh cluiche maith ann Domhnaigh? Beidh agus é. Will the match on Sunday be good? It definitely will.
a fhios ag Dia ~ (go), God knows (that).
In ~ chúnamh , with the help of God.
Nár aifrí Dia orm é, may God forgive me for (saying, doing) it.
In ~ ! In Gods name! For Gods sake!
Dul in ~ ar Dhia, to rebel against God.
Aitheanta agus na hEaglaise, the commandments of God and of the Church.
~, míle ~, ~ agus buíochas, do Dhia; ~ buí le Dia, thanks be to God.
Is ionúin le Dia ~ í, God likes her thus.
Dia idir sinn agus an ~, God between us and all harm.
M’~ do Dhia, (I commend) my soul to God.
Dia le m’~! God bless my soul!
M’~, m’~ le Dia, gur fíor é, by my soul (I swear) it is true.
Coimrí m’~a ar Dhia! God keep me from harm!
Dia ~, God is.
Dul in ~ ar Dhia, to rebel against God.
Is ~ duit! ~ Dia duit! It is well for you!
Oíche A~, oíche hA~, Friday night.
hA~ seo chugainn, seo a chuaigh thart, next, last, Friday.
Tháinig, tiocfaidh, hA~, he came, will come, on Friday (last, next).
A~ , the only Son of God.
Ar thoil , depending on the will of God.
Ar ghrá , ar mhaithe leis féin, for the love of God, for his own sake.
ár gcuid ar Dhia, we are depending on Gods providence.
~ ó Dhia orainn, God save us.
D’~ Dia é, God exalted him.
Bíodh dóchas agat as Dia, have trust in God.
Dia an tA~, God the Father.
~ oraibh, ~ ó Dhia oraibh, God prosper you.
~ ó Dhia ar an obair, God bless the work.
Is breá an leanbh é, ~ (ó Dhia) air, he is a fine child, God bless him.
1. ~ a mbí grá , where there is the love of God.
I bhfad ó bhaile uainn an t-olc is an anachain; Dia dár réiteach i bhfad ó bhaile, God keep us from all harm.
Bhain Dia díom, you came between me and God.
Bhí a bhara faoi Mhac teacht, the Son of God intended to come.
Luain ~ seo a chuaigh thart, only last Monday.
Bíodh Dia ar do bhéal i gcónaí, Gods name should always be on ones lips.
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