dia1, m. (gs. dé, pl. déithe). God. 1. Deity. Déithe adhartha, gods of (pagan) worship. ~ bréige, false god, idol. ~ beag a dhéanamh de dhuine, to make a (little tin) god of s.o. 2. D~ an tAthair, an Mac, an Spiorad Naomh, God the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost. D~ Uilechumhachtach, God Almighty. A Dhia (dhílis)! O (dear) God! A Dhia (mhór) na glóire! (Great) God of glory! (Go mbeannaí) D~ duit, daoibh! God save you! ~ anseo, sa teach! God bless all here! ~ liom, leat, linn! God bless me, you, us! ~ (go deo) leat! Bravo! Well done! Ba é D~ a bhí leis nár loiteadh é, it was the mercy of God that he was not hurt. In ainm Dé, in God’s name. In onóir, as ucht, i gcuntas, ar son, Dé, for God’s, heaven’s, sake. Rud a dhéanamh de gheall ar Dhia, to do sth. for God’s sake. Tá a fhios ag D~ (go), God knows (that). Ag D~ (féin) atá a fhios, God only knows. Níl a fhios agam faoi Dhia, ó Dhia anuas, I don’t know under heaven. Faoi Dhia cad é a dhéanfaimid? What on earth are we to do! Idir mé is D~, I swear to God. Mura bhfuil ag D~, unless God has decreed otherwise. Más toil, más áil, le D~ (go), if God wills (that). B’fhéidir, b’fhurasta, le D~ sin, please God. B’fholláin Dé duit nár rug sé ort, you were lucky (it was God’s will) that he did not catch you. Go dtuga D~ sin, God grant it. Thug D~ dom gur éalaigh mé orthu, providentially I escaped from them. Chí D~ sin! What a pity! Bhí sé mar a chonaic D~ é, he was in a pitiable state. Nár fheice, nár lige, D~ (go), God forbid (that). Go lige D~ do shláinte leat, God grant you health. Go gcuire D~ rath ort, God prosper you. Is é D~ a chuir chugam é, it was a godsend to me. Go méadaí D~ thú, do stór, God grant you abundance. Go gcúití D~ leat é, God requite you for it. Go saolaí D~ é, God grant him length of life. Go sábhála D~ sinn; D~ ár sábháil, God save us. D~ ár gcumhdach, ár gcoisreacan, God protect, bless, us. Duine a fhágáil ag D~, to let God deal with s.o. Fágaim faoi Dhia iad, I leave them to God to judge. Do chuid a bheith ar Dhia, to be dependent on God for subsistence, rely on God’s gifts. Cibé a dhéanfas D~ linn, whatever God has in store for us. Prov: Tá D~ láidir (agus tá máthair mhaith aige), God is strong, a powerful ally in distress. Prov: Is maith D~ go lá (agus ní fearr ná go brách), God’s help is always near. Prov: Is fada siar an rud a chuirfeadh D~ aniar, nothing is impossible in the sight of God. Prov: Níor dhún D~ doras riamh nár oscail Sé ceann eile, [’God never closed one door without opening another’, God never shuts out opportunity. Is tú a dúirt agus ní hé D~, man proposes, God disposes. Fad a bheas D~ ina Dhia, while there is a God above. Ba mhór an tslí chun Dé é, it would be a great act of mercy. S.a. aoibhinn, bóín 2, bolgach1, dallán1 4, deoir1 3, deoraí1 1, duine 1, gairid 4, grá 2, 3(b), 6, lámh 12 (b), suáilce 1(b), súil 2 (a), trócaire. (Var: gs. ~)
dia2, s. 1. Lit: Day. 2 = dé2 2.
dia3, s. (In lit. phrase) ~ de, enough of.
dia4, var. gs. of dé1. (In phrases) Leá ~ orthu! Bad scran to them! Leá ~ de dhuine, feckless person.
dia5, s. (In phrase) Mar dhia go : mar 4(d).
dia6 = dá1,2,3,4.
dia-7, pref. Dia-
Mar a bheadh Dia á rá leis, as if God ordained it, as if his life depended on it.
~ grásta Dé, but for the grace of God.
Ag ~t ar Dhia, chun Dé, beseeching God.
Go gcuire Dia an t-~ ort, (i) may God prosper you, (ii) God love you!
Dia a adhradh, to adore God.
Go h~ le Dia, providentially.
Admhaím do Dhia, I confess to God.
Fuafar ag Dia, hateful to God.
Dia a ~t, to implore God.
Agróidh Dia orthu é, God will punish them for it.
Nár agraí Dia ort é, may God forgive you for (doing, saying) it.
~ a thabhairt ar Dhia, to turn to God.
An mbeidh cluiche maith ann Dé Domhnaigh? Beidh agus é. Will the match on Sunday be good? It definitely will.
Tá a fhios ag Dia ~ (go), God knows (that).
In ~ chúnamh Dé, with the help of God.
Nár aifrí Dia orm é, may God forgive me for (saying, doing) it.
In ~ Dé! In God’s name! For God’s sake!
Dul in ~ ar Dhia, to rebel against God.
Aitheanta Dé agus na hEaglaise, the commandments of God and of the Church.
~, míle ~, ~ agus buíochas, do Dhia; ~ buí le Dia, thanks be to God.
Is ionúin le Dia ~ í, God likes her thus.
Dia idir sinn agus an ~, God between us and all harm.
M’~ do Dhia, (I commend) my soul to God.
Dia le m’~! God bless my soul!
M’~, m’~ le Dia, gur fíor é, by my soul (I swear) it is true.
Coimrí m’~a ar Dhia! God keep me from harm!
Dul in ~ ar Dhia, to rebel against God.
Is ~ duit! ~ Dia duit! It is well for you!
Oíche A~, oíche Dé hA~, Friday night.
Dé hA~ seo chugainn, seo a chuaigh thart, next, last, Friday.
Tháinig, tiocfaidh, sé Dé hA~, he came, will come, on Friday (last, next).
A~ Dé, the only Son of God.
Ar thoil Dé, depending on the will of God.
Ar ghrá Dé, ar mhaithe leis féin, for the love of God, for his own sake.
Tá ár gcuid ar Dhia, we are depending on God’s providence.
~ ó Dhia orainn, God save us.
D’~ Dia é, God exalted him.
Bíodh dóchas agat as Dia, have trust in God.
Dia an tA~, God the Father.
~ Dé oraibh, ~ ó Dhia oraibh, God prosper you.
~ ó Dhia ar an obair, God bless the work.
Is breá an leanbh é, ~ (ó Dhia) air, he is a fine child, God bless him.
1. ~ a mbí grá Dé, where there is the love of God.
I bhfad ó bhaile uainn an t-olc is an anachain; Dia dár réiteach i bhfad ó bhaile, God keep us from all harm.
Bhain tú Dia díom, you came between me and God.
Bhí a bhara faoi Mhac Dé teacht, the Son of God intended to come.
Dé Luain ~ seo a chuaigh thart, only last Monday.
Bíodh Dia ar do bhéal i gcónaí, God’s name should always be on one’s lips.