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éigin could be a grammatical form of: éigean »
éigin1, indecl. a. 1. Some. Duine ~, someone. Rud ~, something. Ar dhóigh ~, in some way, somehow. Áit ~ in Éirinn, some place, somewhere, in Ireland. ~ gan mhoill, some day soon. Scéal ~ eile, some other story. Duine ~ agaibh, one or another of you. Gheobhaidh obair ~, you will get work of some kind. múineadh ~ orthu, they have some manners. 2. Approximately. Fiche ~ bliain ó shin, some twenty years ago. Céad ~ punt, a hundred pounds or so. (Var: ~each)
éigin2. 1 : éigean1. 2. f. (gs. -gne) = éigean1.
duine éigin ag an madra, the dog has detected the presence of s.o.
Is dóigh go raibh rud éigin uaidh ~ é a theacht anseo, he probably wanted something, seeing that he came here.
~ eile, ~ éigin eile, another, some other, time.
Bíonn as rud éigin i gconaí, he is always engaged at sth.
I m~ éigin, somewhere.
~ a fháil (de, le, rud éigin), to die (of sth.).
Ar bhealach éigin, somehow.
~ éigin air, he is unfortunate.
ar ~; ~ air (le rud éigin a dhéanamh), he is impatient (to do sth.).
Lán do bhonn dáit éigin a fháil, to get ones feet firmly planted somewhere.
~ éigin ar mo shúil, there is some kind of swelling about my eye.
~ aníos chugainn éigin, call up to see us some day.
Bheith ~ de dhuine as rud éigin, to be grateful to s.o. for sth.
~ a thabhairt do dhuine as rud éigin, to thank s.o. for sth.
rud éigin ~ leis sin á ithe aige, he is eating something besides that.
~ éigin de rud, a certain amount of sth.
~ éigin air inniu, he is annoyed about something today.
rud éigin ag ~eamh air, there is sth. the matter with him.
rud éigin ag cur caite air, there is sth. troubling him.
~ éigin faoina fhiacail, (i) there is something gritty between his teeth, (ii) there is something irritating him.
Ar chaoi éigin, somehow.
rud éigin ar ~ leis, something has gone wrong with him.
rud éigin ~, theres something wrong.
~ éigin ar na díslí aige, he is up to sth.
Cuir ~ (éigin) ort féin, smarten yourself up.
bhíonn long is lón agat gheobhaidh ~ (uair éigin), patience is always rewarded.
rud éigin ~ leo, there is something wrong with them.
Ar chor éigin, somehow.
rud éigin ar cois, there is something going on.
Chuir ~ éigin air féin, he smartened himself up a bit.
Ba cheart duit ~ éigin a chur ort féin, you should make some plans for yourself.
Cuir ~ (éigin) ort féin, tidy yourself up.
Beidh ~ éigin aige i gcónaí, he is up to every trick.
i g~ éigin, it is in some corner, put away somewhere.
Beidh ~ éigin aige lena dhéanamh, he will find some pretext for doing it.
rud éigin ar a chúl sin aige, he has some ulterior motive for that;
Cuir ~ (éigin) ort féin, look to your appearance, smarten yourself up.
Ar chuma éigin, somehow.
~ éigin sa scéal, there is some error, omission, in the story.
~ éigin a chaitheamh, to take a morsel of sth.
Ar dhóigh éigin, somehow.
~ éigin ar siúl, there is some devilment afoot.
rud éigin faoin ~ aige, he is up to something.
~ éigin, someone.
rud éigin inár n-~ aige, he holds something against us.
Coinmheadh éigin, forcible billeting.
In am an éigin, in time of need.
Am éigin ~, some other time.
~ éigin ann, he is wanting in some respect.
~ éigin airgid, some small amount of money.
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