ár1, m. (gs. áir). 1. Slaughter. Ár a dhéanamh ar dhaoine, to slaughter, massacre, people. 2. Havoc. Oíche áir, night of destruction; fearfully stormy night.
ár2, m. (gs. & npl. áir, gpl. ~). Meas: Are.
ár3, poss. a. (Eclipses consonants; prefixes n- to vowels) Our. Ár dtithe, ár n-ainmneacha, our houses, our names. Chuamar ár mbeirt ann, both of us went there.
ár4 = dár1 3.
An t-~ os ár gcionn, the air above us.
~ ár bpeacaí, the enormity of our sins.
Ár n-~ ar an saol seo, our span of life here on earth.
Ár seal ~, our time here, in this life.
Tá ár gcuid ar Dhia, we are depending on God’s providence.
Na daoine ar ár g~, the people in front of us.
Ár n-~ laethúil, our daily bread.
Ár nA~, the Our Father, paternoster.
Ár n-aithreacha romhainn, our fathers before us.
Ár n-~ ó pheaca, our redemption from sin.
Ár m~ leis an am a bhí, God be with the good old days.
Tar éis gach ~ a aithnímid ár leas, we learn when it is too late.
Le linn ár m~, during our lifetime.
Bhíomar ár m~ ann; bhí an bheirt againn ann, both of us were there.
Ár m~ saor, our noble lord.
Tá ár m~ tuillte aige, he has earned our gratitude.
Ár gcaidhleadh le buillí, le piléir, raining blows, bullets, on us.
Is gairid ár g~ ar an saol seo, our lease of life is short.
Ag ~eamh an tsaoil is an saol ár gcaitheamh, consuming time whilst time consumes us.
Ag ~ ár gcoda orainn, grabbing our portion.
Ó tá ~ ár gcos againn, since we are foot-loose.
Críost ár g~, Christ (is) our guide.
Bhíomar ár g~ ann, the four of us were there.
Is beag ár g~! What little sense we have!
An mac dar mhó ár g~, the son we cherished most.
Maith dúinn ár gcionta, forgive us our trespasses.
Ó chiorraigh an chinniúint ár leoin, since fate cut off our warriors.
Ár gclaonta a chosc, to curb our (evil) inclinations.
Ár dtoil chlaon, our evil inclinations.
Caithimis an chloch as ár muinchille, let us bury the hatchet.
Dia ár gcoisreacan! God bless us!
Ár ~, wholesale slaughter.
Lucht ár gcomhaimsire, our contemporaries.
Ár gcuid agus ár g~, our food and our apportionment of it.
Ár g~ a admháil, to profess our faith.
Bhí an charraig ~ os ár gcionn, the rock was jutting out above our heads.
Ár g~ saothair, trioblóide, our labour, trouble.
Ár g~ a shaothrú, to earn our bread, our living.
Tá ár g~ ar Dhia, we rely on God for support.
Ár dtoil a chur le toil Dé, to accept the will of God.
Chúitigh sé ár saothar linn, he repaid us for our trouble, rewarded us for our labour.
Is beag ár g~ ar ár gcinniúint, we have little control over our destiny.
Dia ár gcumhdach, God protect us.
Seo deireadh ár g~, so we come to journey’s end.
Folamh ár n~ faoi dheireadh, we will be reduced to nothing in the end.
~ agus diagacht ár Slánaitheora, the humanity and divinity of our Redeemer.
Bhí a oiread againn, ~ linn, agus a riarfadh ár gcás, we had enough, we thought, to provide for us in the circumstances.
Is í an uaigh ár n~, we come to the grave at last.
~ dúinn ár mbeatha a chaitheamh go maith, grant us that we may lead good lives.