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Similar words: saith · scaith · sraith · staith · suaite
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He broke out into a sweat, thosaigh ag suaitheadh allais.
F: To churn up the foam, an cúr a shuaitheadh, a mheadráil.
Cards: To make the cards, na cártaí a shuaitheadh.
Gold-Min: To rock the ore, an chré órga a shuaitheadh.
The roll of the sea, suaitheadh m na farraige.
The seething waters, na huiscí suaite.
He feels shaken after it, suaite ina dhiaidh.
He was shocked, suaitheadh é.
F: In a great state, suaite, trína chéile.
To stir the porridge, an leite a mheascadh, a shuaitheadh.
Country suffering from labour troubles, tír atá suaite ag achrann lucht oibre.
Surging sea, farraige shuaite, choipthe.
A surging mass of people, plód suaite daoine.
To swing one's arms, na géaga a luascadh, a shuaitheadh.
To toss s.o. in a blanket, duine a shuaitheadh i bpluid.
To be uneasy in one's mind about. . ., suaitheadh intinne a bheith ort faoi . . .
To stir up sediment, an dríodar a chorraí, a shuaitheadh.
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