Single bed, leaba shingil.
Navy: The lower-deck ratings, F: The lower deck, mairnéalaigh shingil.
Single fare, táille shingil.
To form single file, dul i líne shingil, i dtreas singil.
Single-breasted jacket, seaicéad m singil.
Harn: Leading-rein, srian m singil
Maiden aunt, aintín dhíomhaoin, aintín shingil.
To rise from the ranks, céim oifigigh a ghnóthú ó bheith i do shaighdiúir singil.
The rank and file, na saigdiúirí singil.
Fin: Single premium, táille f singil.
Single bed, leaba shingil.
Single bedroom, seomra singil.
Private soldier, saighdiúir singil.
Rail: Single ticket, ticéad singil.
F: Unattached young lady, ógbhean shingil, dhíomhaoin.