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Similar words: foscail · oscailt · oscal · scail · osaic
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When I opened the door a man jumped in, nuair a d'oscail an doras léim an fear isteach.
I actually found the door open! an é do bharúil nach raibh an doras oscailte romham!
Answer the door, oscail an doras.
Avowed enemy, namhaid oscailte.
He began by opening the window, an chéad rud a rinne an fhuinneog a oscailt.
To break a way, bealach a ghearradh, a oscailt.
The post will be filled by open competition, cuirfear comórtas oscailte ar bun leis an bpost a líonadh.
May I open these letters? -- Please do, an osclóidh na litreacha seo? -- Oscail, le do thoil.
Waking dream, day-dream, taibhreamh na súl oscailte.
That was an eye-opener to him, d'oscail sin na súile dhó.
Gap between the curtains, oscailt idir na cuirtíní.
To gape open, (Of thg.) oscailt, leathadh, bheith ar leathadh; (of hole) bheith béal-leathan; (of seam, etc.) bheith scartha, ag oscailt.
The door gives into the street, an doras ag oscailt amach ar an tsráid.
Just when the door was opening, go díreach nuair a bhí an doras á oscailt.
He left the door open, d'fhág an doras ar oscailt.
To open the letters, na litreacha a oscailt.
To lie open, bheith ar oscailt, ar leathadh.
With parted lips, agus an béal beagán ar oscailt.
He never opened his lips, níor oscail a bhéal olc maith.
Impers.It needed the horrors of war to open our eyes, níor mhór uafás an chogaidh chun ár súile a oscailt.
To turn on the tap, an sconna a oscailt.
'On,' 'oscailte'.
Open window, fuinneog oscailte, ar oscailt.
To push the door open, an doras a oscailt romhat.
Open race, rás oscailte.
Open vowel, guta oscailte.
Open carriage, cóiste oscailte.
Open boat, bád oscailte.
Nau: Open roadstead, ród oscailte.
Open wound, cneá oscailte.
Shirt open at the neck, léine faoi mhuineál oscailte.
Mil: Open order, ord oscailte.
Open road, bóthar oscailte.
Aut: Open corner, coirnéal oscailte.
Com: Open account, cuntas m ar oscailt.
To open a road (to traffic), bealach a oscailt (do thrácht).
Com: To open an account in s.o.'s name, cuntas a oscailt in ainm duine.
The door opened, d'oscail an doras.
To perform an operation on s.o., obráid a dhéanamh ar dhuine, oscailt ar dhuine.
To open a door from the outside, doras a oscailt taobh amuigh.
The window opens to the outside, amach a osclaíonn an fhuinneog.
To ride outside, fanacht ar mhullach (oscailte) (bus).
Overt act, gníomh oscailte.
Market overt, margadh oscailte.
Placket(-hole), s. Oscailt f (i gcoim sciorta).
To open one's post, do chuid litreacha a oscailt.
Professed enemy of the Government, namhaid oscailte ag an rialtas.
To pry a door open, doras a dhingeadh ar oscailt.
To rip (sth.) open, rud a oscailt de roiseadh.
The door opened rustily, d'oscail an doras go meirgeach.
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