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The water reached above their knees, bhí an t-uisce os cionn na nglún orthu.
Hovering above the town, ag foluain os cionn an bhaile.
His voice was heard above the din, chualathas a ghlór os cionn an ghleo.
Above his station (in life), os cionn a chéimíochta.
Above prejudice, os cionn claontuairime.
Above criticism, os cionn cáinte.
Above all, os cionn gach uile ; thar gach .
To be above (all) suspicion, bheith os cionn amhrais.
Above twenty, thar scór, os cionn scóir.
Most of all, os cionn gach uile .
Things are (going) all anyhow, an uile rud bun os cionn.
The anchor is apeak, díreach os cionn an ancaire.
F: There is an atmosphere of vice about it, drochspéir os a chionn.
(Of plans, etc.) To go all awry, bheith síos agus suas, bheith bun os cionn.
(Preference, order) Before everything else, os cionn, thar, gach uile .
Show respect to your betters, tabhair urraim don mhuintir atá os do chionn.
(Surpassing) Beyond praise, os cionn molta, thar mholadh.
This work is beyond me, an obair seo os cionn m'acmhainne.
Night broods over the scene, uaigneas na hoíche os cionn na háite.
(Of official) To have charge, be in charge, of sth., a bheith os cionn, i gceannas, ruda.
He was communing with himself, bhí os cionn machnaimh.
F: He is a cut above them, céim os a gcionn.
The fortress dominates the town, an dún go hard os cionn an bhaile.
Elevation above sea-level, airde f os cionn na farraige.
To fly over Dublin, eitilt os cionn Bhaile Átha Cliath.
He took a flyer over the handlebars, cuireadh amach i ndiaidh a mhullaigh é os cionn na lámha.
Above ground, os cionn talún.
A thick fog hangs over the town, ceo dlúth os cionn an bhaile.
The danger hanging over our heads, an tubaiste atá os ár gcionn.
To head a chapter with certain words, focail áirithe a chur os cionn caibidle.
Height above sea level, airde os cionn na farraige.
Above her, os a cionn.
Above him, os a chionn.
You are impossible! os cionn ranna!
Above it, os a chionn, a cionn.
I did it against my better judgment, os cionn mo chéile a rinneas é.
It juts out over the sea, crochta amach os cionn na farraige.
(Of corpse) Laid out, os cionn cláir.
Above me, os mo chionn.
To bring one's mind to bear on sth., dul os cionn staidéir ar rud.
He was nothing if not generous, os cionn gach uile bhí fial; mura raibh fial fós é.
Jutting out over the street, sínte amach os cionn na sráide.
His name is over the door, a ainm os cionn an dorais (aige).
Hanging over our heads, crochta os ár gcionn.
He is over me, os mo chionn.
Sitting over the fire, i do shuí os cionn na tine.
Over fifty, os cionn leathchéid; níos leathchéad.
Over five years (of age), os cionn cúig bliana d'aois.
Fourteen years and over, ceithre bliana déag agus os a chionn.
Swim: Overarm stroke, bang m os cionn láimhe.
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