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Similar words: aisce · gaise · gaiste · glaisce · aisc
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F: He talks like a book, cuireann culaith ghaisce ar a chuid cainte.
Out of bravado, le tréan gaisce.
Deed of valour, beart gaisce; éacht m -a.
Deeds of derring-do, gníomhartha gaile agus gaisce.
Doughty deeds, gníomhartha m gaisce; éachta mpl.
Feat of arms, gníomh gaile agus gaisce.
He flaunts his wealth, déanann gaisce as a chuid saibhris os comhair an tsaoil.
Heroic deed, gníomh gaisce.
F: Heroics, gaisce m, culaith ghaisce (ar chaint).
It is not up to the mark, níl aon ghaisce ann.
To sound one's own praises, gaisce a dhéanamh; bheith do do mholadh féin.
Lit:  Purple passage, purple patch, roscadh m file; píosa faoi chulaith ghaisce.
To do sth. out of vanity, rud a dhéanamh le teann gaisce.
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