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feictear could be a grammatical form of: feic »
It appears to me that..., feictear dom go . . .
He thinks fit, sees fit, to do it, tuigtear , feictear , gur cóir é a dhéanamh.
It occurs to me that..., feictear dhom...
I seem to have heard the name, feictear dom, samhlaítear dom, gur chuala an t-ainm.
P: I sort of feel that . . ., feictear dom ar dhóigh éigin . . .
He strikes me as being sincere, feictear dom go bhfuil dáiríre.
It seems to me more suitable to laugh, feictear dom gur gáire ba chirte a dhéanamh.
I think he is crazy, feictear domsa go bhfuil as a mheabhair.
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