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Similar words: ciorraigh · conraigh · coraigh · Corcaigh · corcraigh
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corraigh could be a grammatical form of: corrach »
I was not conscious of having moved, níor airigh féin ag corraí.
Conscious movement, corraí comhfhiosach.
He is as cool as a cucumber, féidir corraí a bhaint as; is é an fuarthé é.
Denotations of an uneasy conscience, comharthaí coinsiasa chorraigh.
Please don't disturb yourself, corraigh.
F: He lay doggo, d'fhan gan corraí, luigh siar ina spéice.
F: Make an effort! corraigh fhéin!
The town was in a state of fermentation, bhí muintir an bhaile uile an-chorraithe.
Go it!, corraigh ort! treise leat! Dia leat!
F: Tug at one's heart-strings, corraí m croí.
He moved heavily, chorraigh go hanacrach.
To move (about), bheith ag corraí.
Don't move! corraigh!
He made a movement of impatience, chorraigh go mífhoighneach.
Do not, don't, stir, corraigh.
Bog orchid, magairlín an chorraigh.
To be prompted by a feeling of pity, corraí le teann trua.
Look sharp! cuir deifir ort féin! corraigh ort!
He could not stir a foot, (i) raibh corraí coise láimhe ann; (ii) raibh cead corraí aige.
To stir the fire, an tine a chorraí.
To stir s.o.'s anger, duine a chorraí chun feirge.
To sit without stirring, suí gan corraí.
Don't stir from here, corraigh as seo.
Hurry up there! corraigh ort!
He was tossing in his sleep, bhí ag corraí trína chodladh.
To stir up sediment, an dríodar a chorraí, a shuaitheadh.
When I will to move my arm . . ., nuair is mian liom mo lámh a chorraí . . .
To be worked up, bheith tógtha, corraithe.
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