deasaigh1, v.t. & i. 1. Dress, attire, prepare. (a) Éadach a dheasú ar rud, to arrange a cloth over sth. Altóir a dheasú, to drape an altar. Dheasaigh sí a fallaing tharstu, she settled her cloak over them. ~ thar do ghuaillí é, fix it over your shoulders. ~ (go deas) ort, dress yourself (nicely); adorn yourself. Dheasaigh siad iad féin in éide órshnáithe, they arrayed themselves in cloth of gold. (b) (Of food) Bia a dheasú, to prepare food. Deasaithe le spíosraí, dressed with spices. (c) Lit:Dheasaigh siad long dó, they fitted out a ship for him. 2. (a) Settle in position, adjust. Tú féin a dheasú i gcathaoir, ar chapall, chun boird, to settle oneself in a chair, on horseback, at table. ~ isteach liom, snuggle close to me. ~ do chos, draw in your leg. (To cow at milking) ~ (thart), move over (into position); keep still. (b) Mil: Dress. Ó dheas deasaítear! Right dress! (c) Art: Phot: Pose. 3. Direct, point (ar, at). Buille a dheasú ar dhuine, to aim a blow at s.o. Dheasaigh sé an gunna orm, he levelled the gun at me. 4 = deisigh 2.
deasaigh2, gsm. of deasach.