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Mil: Their left flank was in the air, bhí an eite chlé gan chosaint acu.
On the port bow, ar an ngualainn chlé.
Your ears must have burned, must have been tingling, foláir bhí tochas sa chluais chlé agat.
Left front!, faoi chlé, tugaigí tosach!
Hard a-port! iomlán ar do chlé!
To incline to the left, claonadh ar clé.
Fb: Inside left, an clé istigh.
To keep to the left, fanacht ar thaobh na láimhe clé.
On my left hand, ar thaobh mo láimhe clé.
Mil: Eyes left! dearcaigí faoi chlé!
On the left, to the left, faoi chlé; ar clé; ar thaobh na láimhe clé.
Pol: The left, an taobh clé.
On the left-hand side, ar thaobh na láimhe clé.
The left-hand box, an bosca clé, ar clé, ar an taobh clé, ar thaobh na láimhe clé.
The near horse, an capall clé.
Near rein, an srian clé.
On the right, left, ar dheis, ar clé.
Left-hand page, leathanach clé.
From right to left, ó dheis go clé.
Look right and left, breathnaigh ar dheis agus ar chlé.
The right, left, side, an taobh deas, clé.
On the left-hand side, ar clé.
To step off with the left foot, tosú ar an gcois chlé.
To the right, to the left, ar dheis, ar clé.
Mil: Right turn! Left turn! deas-iompaigí! clé-iompaigí!
He turned to the left, d'iompaigh ar clé.
Take the turning on the left, iompaigh faoi chlé, ar clé.
Left wheel, casadh faoi chlé.
(ii) Left wheel! clé casaigí!
F: To get out of bed on the wrong side, éirí ar do chois chlé.
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