ceis1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eanna). 1. Top: Wattled causeway. 2 = ceasaí. 3 = cis1.
ceis2, v.t. & i. (vn. ceasacht). Lit: Complain, grumble.
Ag ~ ar rud, complaining about the meagreness of sth.
Ná bí ag ~ ar do chuid, don’t cavil about your food.
Ag ~ ar a chuid den airgead, complaining that his share of the money is insufficient.
Glac a bhfaighidh tú is ná bí ag ~, accept without complaint whatever you get.
Ag ~ agus ag tormas ar an mbia, complaining about the quantity and quality of the food.
Ní ag ~ ar Dhia é, not that we should be dissatisfied with what God gives us.
Níl gar a bheith ag ~, there is no use in complaining (about our lot).
Ag comhrac na ceiste, leis an gceist, struggling with the question.
~ na ceiste, the crux of the question.
Ní bhfaighfeá choíche ag ceasacht é, you would never find him grumbling.
~ ceiste, solution of problem; answer to question.
~ ceiste, answer to question.
~ ceiste, easaontais, settlement of question, of disagreement.
~ ceiste, discussion of subject.
Thángamar ar réiteach na ceiste, we found the solution to the problem.