Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: átha · áitheas · áth · atha · athais
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
áthas1, m. (gs. -ais). Joy, gladness. ~ a chur ar dhuine, to gladden, give joy to, s.o. ~ a bheith ort as rud, to be glad of sth. ~ orm go bhfuil go maith, I am glad you are well. Ag gáire, ag gol, le h~, laughing, crying, for joy. raibh mórán áthais agam orm féin, I was not very pleased with myself. bhaineann de bheidh mórán áthais ort, if you interfere with him you will regret it afterwards.
áthas2 = áitheas.
Le ~ áthais a chur air, to add to his joy.
chreidfeá ach an t-áthas a bhí air, you cant think how glad he was.
~ áthais, bhróid, matter for joy, for pride.
Ag damhsa le háthas, le fearg, dancing for joy, with anger.
~ áthais, thrill of joy.
Bhí áthas, iontas, an domhain orm, I was extremely glad, surprised.
~í áthais, thrills of joy.
Bhí ~ agus áthas air, he was jumping for joy.
~ bhrón, áthas, sorrowful, joyful.
~ann áthas a bheith ort, you may well rejoice.
Bhí ~ aon liú áthais aige, he kept shouting for joy.
Gheit mo chroí le háthas, my heart jumped with joy.
Lig an leanbh ~ as le háthas, the child crowed with delight.
~ áthais, ecstasy of delight.
~ a súile le háthas, her eyes shone with joy.
Mhéadaigh ar máthas go mór, it greatly increased my joy.
Ba mhóide a áthas an scéala a fháil in am, he was all the more delighted that he got the news in time.
Tháinig ~ áthais uirthi, she went into an ecstasy of joy.
Bíodh) áthas orm ~ díom, whether I am glad or not.
~ áthais, bróin, fit of joy, of sorrow.
Ag ~e le háthas, dancing with joy.
~ áthais, transports of joy.
~ áthais, ecstasy of joy.
Le ~ áthais, through sheer joy.
I dtrithí áthais, delirious with joy.
Maidir leis an suíomh seo | Conas an suíomh seo a úsáid | Aiseolas | Inrochtaineacht | Breiseáin agus giuirléidí | Aip an tsuímh | An Draoi Gramadaí | Nuacht