sí1, m. (gs. ~, pl. ~the). 1. Fairy mound. Aos ~, inhabitants of fairy mounds, fairies. Bean ~, fairy woman, banshee. An slua ~, the fairy host. 2. (gs. as attrib. a.) Fairy; bewitching, enchanting; deceptive, delusive. Long ~, phantom ship. Ceol ~, enchanting music. Solas ~, misguiding light. (Var:f)
sí2, m. (gs. ~). 1 = sitheadh. 2. ~ gaoithe, whirlwind. S.a. coimirce, séideán 1, tuile 2. 3. Geog: ~ deannaigh, dust devil.
sí3, 3 sg. f. pron. She; it (usually referring to f. noun). (Subject of verb, not used with copula) Phós ~ é, she married him. Tá an oíche fuar ach níl ~ fliuch, the night is cold but it is not wet. Tháinig tuile san abhainn agus bháigh ~ an móinéar, the river flooded and submerged the meadow.
sí4 = is í : í2 2 (b), 4.
A ghéire a labhair sí, how sharply she spoke.
5. Tá sí ag teacht ~, she is expecting.
Bhí sí ag caoineadh an t-~ a bhí sí ag caint liom, she was weeping while she was talking to me.
Shil sí ~ a súl, she cried her eyes out.
Chuir sí a ceann in ~ an anró, she made an unfortunate marriage.
Thosaigh sí ag caint, she began to speak.
Tá sí ~ chun comóraidh, she is of marriageable age.
Tá sí lán d’~, she is full of life, high-spirited.
Lig sí a gruaig in ~, she let her hair get tousled.
Is beag an t-~ ó bhí sí ina leanbh, it is only a short time since she was a child.
Chuir sí ciarsúr ~ ar a ceann, she covered her head with a handkerchief.
Tá sí ceanúil ar pháistí, she is fond of children.
D’~ sí a lámha agus a súile, she raised up her hands and eyes.
Chuir sí ~ ar a cuid gruaige, a cuid éadaigh, she did her hair, tidied her clothes.
Bhain sí an leanbh den chíoch, den diúl, she weaned the child.
Bhéalraigh sí an ráfla ar fud na tíre, she spread the rumour all over the country.
Tá sí ina ~, she has grown to womanhood.
Chuir sí ~ ar an tine, she put fuel on the fire.
Rug sí mac óg; rugadh mac óg di, she had a baby boy.
Rug sí barr áille orthu, she excelled them in beauty.
Bhí sí pas beag aerach, she was a little bit giddy.
Rug sí ina ~ air, she caught it in her lap.
Níl ~ ná slacht ar an teach ó d’imigh sí, the house has not been properly kept since she left.
Ní thabharfadh sí ~ ná sá uaithi, she wouldn’t budge an inch.
Tá sí ag brath ar na fir go fóill, she still has expectations of a husband.
Chuir sí a ~ ~ uirthi, she put on her finery, trinkets.
~ sí, draoi, suain, fairy, druidic, sleep, charm.
Tháinig sí chugam i m~, she appeared to me in a dream, in my dreams.
Bhí ~ thoinne uirthi mar nach bhfaca sí an litir, she was seething, envious, because she did not see the letter.
Thug sí an damhsa ó bhuaile léi, she was well schooled in dancing.
Tá sí ina ~ déanta, she is a fully-developed, grown-up, girl.
Ní chainteodh sí liom, she wouldn’t speak to me, was not on speaking terms with me.
Bhí sí ag ~eamh i ndiaidh an linbh, an bhaile, she was pining for the child, for home.
Bhí sí á ~eamh féin air, she was throwing herself at him.
Chaoin sí uisce a cinn, she cried her eyes out.
Tá sí faoi charr an tí, she is a drudge about the house.
Chas sí a dhá lámh thairis, she wound her two arms round him.
Chas sí olagón, she raised a lament.
Chuir sí ~ ina cuid gruaige, she twisted, coiled, her hair.
Thug sí aire cheart do na páistí, she took proper care of the children.
Rug sí ar chéas a cinn uirthi, she caught her by the hair of the head.
Níor cheil sí a chlú air, she told everybody all about him.
~ phósann sí é, she will not marry him.
Tá sí chuici féin arís, she is her old self again.
Bíonn sí ina ~ go headra, she never tidies herself in the morning.
Thug sí a chíoradh dó, she gave him a dressing down.
Chuir sí ~ línéadaigh leis, she bordered it with linen.
Cuirfidh sí ~ i do charn, she will bury you yet.