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sábháil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of sábháil2. 2. Saving; rescue, deliverance; preservation, security. raibh ~ agam orm féin, I was unable to save myself. ~ anamacha, the saving of souls. ~ féir, móna, the saving of hay, of turf. Aimsir mhaith shábhála, good weather for saving crops. ~ airgid, money-saving. Níl aon ~ ann, he saves nothing. Cuir an bád ar ~, secure the boat. Glas, lampa, sábhála, safety-lock, -lamp. ar lámh shábhála, it is in safe keeping.
sábháil2, v.t. & i. (pres. -álann). Save. 1. Rescue, deliver. (a) Duine a shábháil ar thitim, ar a bhá, to save s.o. from falling, from being drowned. Beo duine a shábháil, to save s.o.’s life. Dia ár ~! Go sábhála Dia sinn! God save us! S.a. slán2 1. (b) Anamacha a shábháil, to save souls. 2. Preserve, secure. Rud a shábháil ar an aimsir, ar a ghoid, to save sth. from the weather, from being stolen. 3. (a) (Of crops) Harvest. An féar, an mhóin, a shábháil, to save the hay, the turf. (b) (Of money, etc.) Keep for future use. Airgead a shábháil, to save money. pingin mhaith ~te aige, he has saved a pretty penny.
~ duine a shábháil, a chur i gcontúirt, to save, endanger, s.o.’s life.
~ sábhála, safety-curtain.
Go sábhála D~ sinn; D~ ár sábháil, God save us.
~ a dhéanamh, a shábháil, to make, save, hay.
Duine a shábháil, a dhíon, a shaoradh, a fhuascailt, a tharrtháil, ó rud, to save, shelter, free, deliver, rescue, s.o. from sth.
Ag sábháil na ~e is ag cur amú na scillinge, penny wise and pound foolish.
Áit shábháilte, safe place.
Níl rud ar bith ~ orthu, nothing is safe from them.
~ (sábhála), (safety) screen.
Bheith ~ sábháilte, to be safe and sound.
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