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could be a grammatical form of: righ » · rígh » · rígh »
1, m. (gs. ~, pl. ~the, gpl. ~ used in phrases).King. 1. (a) Sovereign, monarch. ~ Shasana, na Sualainne, the King of England, of Sweden. ~ Liam, King William. Béarla, bóthar, scilling, an ~, the kings English, highway, shilling. Mac ~, kings son, prince. B: Na Trí Ríthe, the Magi. (b) Hist: Ruler, chief. ~ tuaithe, territorial, tribal, king. ~ cúige, provincial king. ~ Teamhrach, King of Tara. (c) Hist: Leader. ~ féinne, leader of warrior band. 2. (Of God) ~ na bhflaitheas, na reann, na ndúl, the King of heaven, of the heavenly spheres, of the elements. ~ na , the King of Kings. A an Domhnaigh! A na hAoine! A na glóire! A na bhfeart! Great God! 3. (Of pre-eminent person or thing) ~ na n-éan, na n-ainmhithe, the king of birds, of animals. Is é ~ na bhfear é, he is a king among men. 4. Cards: Chess:Draughts: King. An ~ muileata, the king of diamonds. ~ a chorónú, to crown a (draughts piece as) king. An ~ a chosaint, to protect the king (at chess). 5. (a) Orn: (An) ~ rua, chaffinch. (b) Astr: Slat an , Belt of Orion.
2, f. (gs. ~, pl. ~theacha). 1. Forearm. Coinnigh fad do ~ uait é, keep him at arms length. 2. (a) (pl.)~theacha (géag), limbs; arms, legs. Ag bualadh sna ~theacha air, striking against the back of his legs. (b) (Of meat) Leg. ~ chaoireola, leg of mutton.
3, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ~the). 1. vn. of rígh1. 2. Enthronement.
5, f = ríochan.
rí-4, pref. 1. Royal, kingly, majestic. 2. (Intensifying) Exceedingly, very, ultra-
in ~ a bheith ina orthu, he is their king in name.
Bhí ar Éirinn, there was a king of Ireland.
An a chaisliú, to castle the king.
~ an , corduroy.
Duine a chorónú (ina ), to crown s.o. (king).
na ~, Lord of the universe.
, ríoga, royal court.
A ngéillim agus bhfónaim, O King to whom I render obedience and service.
~ , the makings of a king; a royal heir.
~, ruler of many people.
Is é na bhfear é, ~ leis féin, he is a prince among men, in his own estimation.
~ ann, it is fit for a king.
Níl mo dhóigh ar , I would not change places with a king.
~ is é, for he is a king.
Dóthain de bhéile, a meal fit for a king.
na ndúl, the King of the elements, the Lord of creation.
Bhí ann ~, once upon a time there was a king.
A Dhia, a , na bh~, O, Almighty God.
Is é na Féinne é i gcomórtas leo, he is a king compared with them.
go bh~, gan fhreasúra, king with, without, opposition.
~ na , radius of forearm.
An líon ríthe a ghabh Teamhair, the number of kings who reigned in Tara.
a ghairm de dhuine, to proclaim s.o. king.
~ , uaisleachta, title of king, of nobility.
Ag na héille, straining on the leash.
~ dúinn ríthe Fódla, recount for us the Kings of Ireland.
Fear ionaid , viceroy.
~ , viceroy.
Bhí siad ina ríthe ar a ~, they came after him as kings.
~ na mbrat, ~ mhic Breatan, wild thyme.
huaisle ~ a chuid, handsome is as handsome does.
Aon, , ~, ace, king, of diamonds.
neimhe agus talún, the King of heaven and earth.
D’~ siad ina é, they inaugurated him as king.
Mo ~, my most noble king.
~ ó , kings bounty.
Níl ~, ~ ríocht, orthu, nothing is right with them; neither luck nor grace attends them.
Go rathaí an iad, God prosper them.
Gach ~, every king of his line.
An is R~, the Most High King.
~ na , the roll of kings.
Bhí ~ an acu, they had a royal feast.
~ , herb-Robert.
~ de chaisleán, a castle fit for a king.
~ an , an Bhodaigh, an Cheannaí, belt of Orion.
~ , royal sway.
An , an deich, ~, the king, the ten, of spades.
~ , royal seat.
Shuigh ar gach tuath, he set a king over every territory.
Do bhí ann ~, there was once a king.
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