réasún1, m. (gs. & npl. -úin, gpl. ~). 1. Reason, reasoning faculty; reasonableness, sense. Tá sé le ~, luíonn sé le ~, it stands to reason. Tá sé in aghaidh an réasúin, it is opposed to all reason. Éist le ~, listen to reason. Bíodh ~ ionat, be reasonable. Tá ~ ina chuid cainte, there is sense in what he says. Duine gan ~, unreasoning, unreasonable, person. Dul chun réasúin le duine, to reason with s.o. Ní féidir ~ a chur ann, he won’t listen to reason. Níl ciall ná ~ leis, it is without rhyme or reason. Chaill sé a chiall agus a ~, he took complete leave of his senses. 2. Justification, motive, cause. ~ a bheith agat le rud, to have a reason for sth. Cad é is ~ dó sin? What is the reason for that? Níor thug sé ~ ar bith leis, he gave no reason for it.
réasún2, m. (gs. & npl. -úin, gpl. ~). Harn: Winkers.
Tá sin ~ le réasún, that is opposed to reason.
Níl ~ ná réasún leis, it is absurd.
Tá sé ag luí le réasún, it stands to reason.
~ réasúin, thick-wittedness.
8. Tá sé ~ sa cheann, sa réasún, he is thick-headed, unreasoning.