píosa, m. (gs. ~, pl. ~í). Piece, bit. 1. ~ páipéir, piece of paper. ~ feola, portion of meat. ~ de théad, length of rope. ~ de scéal, bit, portion, of a story. ~ den lá, part of the day. ~ talaimh, piece, patch, of ground. ~ den tír a shiúl, to travel a bit of the country. Is mór an ~ bealaigh é, it is a long stretch of road. Tá ~ maith den treabhadh déanta, there is a good bit of the ploughing done. ~í a dhéanamh de rud, to break sth. to pieces. D’imigh sé ina phíosaí, it fell to pieces. 2. (Of patch, patched cloth) Fuaigh ~ i do chasóg, sew a patch on your coat. Níl ~ ná paiste air, his clothes are in good condition. Chaith sé de na ~í, he got out of his duds. 3. ~ muislín, saraiste, piece of muslin, of serge. Culaith amach as an b~, brand-new suit. Tríd an b~, on the whole. 4. Piece-work. Ag obair de réir an phíosa, working by the piece, doing piece-work. 5. Literary or musical composition. ~ scríbhneoireachta, ceoil, piece of writing, of music. 6. Coin. ~ óir, gold piece. ~ dheich bpingine, tenpenny piece. ~ croise, ~ crosach, coin engraved with cross, florin. 7. ~ ordanáis, cannon. 8. ~ (lóin), lunch-packet. Bíodh do phíosa leat, bring your lunch with you. 9. Boating: Bailing-can, bailer.
Culaith nua ~ as an bpíosa, ~ ón tsnáthaid, a new suit just completed.
Rud a dhéanamh as cré, snáth, brící, píosaí adhmaid, to make sth. from clay, yarn, bricks, pieces of wood.
1. Rud a bhriseadh (as a chéile, ina dhá chuid, ina phíosaí), to break sth. (asunder, in two, in pieces).
Bonn, píosa, corónach, crown, five-shilling, piece.
Píosa a chur as rud, to add a piece to sth.
Píosa a chur i sciorta, to let a piece into a skirt.
~ ina dhá leath, ina phíosaí, é, tear it in half, in pieces.