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nádúr, m. (gs. & npl. -úir, gpl. ~). Nature. 1. Essential qualities, innate character. ~ duine, ruda, the nature of s.o., sth. ~ gainimh sa talamh sin, that land is of a sandy nature. sa ~ aige, it is part of his nature. i ~ an duine a bheith mar sin, it is in a persons nature to be like that. An ~ daonna, human nature. Ó ~, by nature. 2. Natural feeling, kindliness, affection. Bhí an ~ riamh ann, he had a kindly nature always. mbeadh ~ aige dúinn, if he had any fellow-feeling for us. an -~ aige leis an áit, he is very fond of the place. Bhí de ~ ann cuidiú liom, he was decent enough to help me. Níor lig mo ~ dom é a dhéanamh, I hadnt the heart to do it. 3. Material world. Dlíthe an nádúir, the laws of nature. Os cionn nádúir, above the forces of nature, supernatural. 4. Physiol: Reproductive organs. (Var:nádúir f, gs. ~a)
Nádúr ~, divine nature.
A nádúr agus a ndílseachtaí, their nature and properties.
~ an nádúir, the law of nature.
Anam, corp, nádúr, an ~, human soul, body, nature.
Nádúr ~, appealing nature.
an ~ ó nádúr ann, he is a born gentleman.
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