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1, neg. vb. particle used with imper. (Prefixes h to vowel) (Do) not. labhair, dont speak. ~ habair é, dont say it. ~ bíodh eagla ort, dont be afraid. ~ feicim arís iad, let me not see them again. ~ ligtear leis é, let him not get away with it.
2, neg. vb. particle used with pres. subj. of 3 to express wish. ~ raibh aithreachas orainn, may we never have cause to regret it. Dealbh ~ raibh , may he never be destitute. ~ raibh maith agatsa, no thanks to you.
3, conj. Nor, or. 1. Níl mac ~ iníon aige, he has neither son nor daughter. dhearna maith ~ olc dom, it did me neither good nor harm. Níor chosain a ainm ~ a chlú, he didnt defend his name or reputation. bheidh bainte ~ caillte leis, you will neither gain nor lose by it. fhaca fear ~ bean ~ páiste ann, I didnt see man, woman or child there. Níl agam’. ‘Níl ~ agamsa,’ I havent got it’. ‘Neither have I’. 2. (Intensifying) raibh eagla eagla air, he was not in the least afraid. fheicim solas ~ solas, I dont see any light whatever. An bhfuil réidh?’ ‘Níl ~ réidh’. Are you ready?’ ‘Indeed I am not’. tabhair punt ~ cuid de phunt air, dont pay a pound for it, or anything of the kind.
4, conj. Than. Is sine é ~ , he is older than I am. níos airde ~ an fear eile, he is taller than the other man. measa domsa ~ duitse é, it is no worse for me than for you. Níor luaithe istigh ~ amuigh é, he was no sooner in than out. Is fusa a ~ a dhéanamh, it is easier said than done. Bhí ba mhoille ~ (mar) a shíl , it was later than I thought. ~ gur fiú duit é, it is hardly worth your while. ~ mar a diarr air é, much less did I ask him for it.
5, conj. 1. But. Cad a bheadh romham ~ asal? What should I find there but a donkey? 2. ~ go, ~ gur, but that. bhfios ~ gur goideadh iad? Who knows but that they were stolen? déarfainn ~ go bhfuil an ceart agat, you may be right at that.
6, pleonastic conj. used with copula. Is é ainm a bhí air ~ Séadna, the name that he had was Séadna. Is é a dúirt siad ~ gur dhíol a anam leis an diabhal, what they said was that he sold his soul to the devil.
7, non-eclipsing vb. particle = nach1,2.
8, non-eclipsing conj. = nach3.
h~ bréag, dont tell a lie.
h~ é! You dont say! I hope not!
bíodh le leat gur loic , let it not be cast up to you that you defaulted.
déan ~ ar sheanóir, dont make fun of an old man.
Beir air ~ bris é, catch it but dont break it.
déan ~ agus bris ~, follow traditional customs.
h~ fearg, troid, dont stir up anger, a fight.
leithne an t-~ an timpiste, accidents will happen.
Níor shéid aon as an ~ ba mheasa é, there never was a stormier day.
Is minice an moladh aige an cáineadh, he is more given to praise than to blame.
h~ an focal sin orm, dont hold that statement against me.
h~ a chuid ábhaillí ar an leanbh, dont punish the child for playing pranks.
hionsaigh ~, dont go looking for trouble.
tabhair ~ an phobail orainn, dont draw everybodys attention to us.
cuir aon ~ ann, raise no objections to it.
~ orainn inár ngníomhartha, do not punish us for our deeds.
mol ~ cáin é, neither praise nor find fault with it.
Beir leat é ~ bris é, take it with you but dont break it.
Fainic ~ tit, be careful not to fall.
Achainím ort ~ déan é, I beseech you not to do it.
Ó théann () ~ go dtéann, cuir bac air, since he is going, which he is, dont stop him.
Focal is aicearraí sin, a more succinct expression than that.
h~ a chuid ábhaillí ar an leanbh, dont blame the child for playing pranks.
lig as d’~ é, dont let it out of your mind.
caith le h~ é, dont throw it away.
cuir in ~ é, dont ravel it.
tabhair ~ duit féin amuigh san fhearthainn, dont soak yourself, ruin your health, out in the rain.
baintear an t-~ den bhairín, den bhlonag, call a spade a spade.
tabhair ~ air, dont heed him.
Is fearr ~ na srathrach iasacht na diallaite, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
h~ an scéal sin, dont carry that story (to other ears).
Is fearr é a ~, it is better than nothing.
Níl náire ~ ann duit, it is nothing for you to be ashamed of.
Níl ~ eolas agam air, I have no acquaintance with him, I know nothing about him.
raibh ~ súl béil air, his features were unrecognizable, he was all bespattered (with mud, etc.).
h~ sin orm, dont repeat, tell, that about me.
thiocfaidh in ~ in uair, he will be hopelessly late in coming.
cuir taobh tuathail ~ é, dont turn it inside out.
maraigh ~ é, dont kill him altogether.
8. túisce ~ a chonaic ( rith ), as soon as ever he saw me (he ran).
tar ar m’~, dont let me see you; dont come near me.
Níl ar m’~ ar méisteacht, I can neither see nor hear him.
Is fearr ~ amháin romhat dhá ~ i do dhiaidh, foresight is better than hindsight.
Níl ~ orm nach é, gurb é, a rinne é, I have no doubt that it was he who did it.
bíodh amhrais ort faoi sin, you may rest assured about that.
bíodh do chos ~ agat mar sin, dont have your foot stuck out like that.
Níl aon leigheas ~ is fearr é, there is no better remedy known.
Is fairsinge an fheoil an t-iasc, meat is more plentiful than fish.
go bhfuil an ~ inti, she is at her last gasp.
labhair thar d’~, os cionn danála, air; lig in aice, le hais, danála é, dont breathe a word of it.
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