lámh1, f. (gs. láimhe, npl. ~a, gpl. ~; ds. láimh used in certain phrases). Hand, arm. 1. (a) Arm and hand. Rud a iompar idir do ~a, to carry sth. in one’s arms. Do ~ a chur thar dhuine, to put one’s arm round s.o. Coinnigh fad do láimhe uait é, keep him at arm’s length. Baineadh an ~ ón uillinn de, his arm was amputated at the elbow. Fig: ~ na beannachta, na scéithe, the right, left, hand. S.a. caol1 1(a), ceann12(b). (b) Hand. ~ a chroitheadh le duine, to shake hands with s.o. Tabhair dom do ~, give me your hand. Beir greim láimhe air, catch him by the hand. Thug mé liom ar ghreim láimhe é, I led him by the hand. Thug sé dom (isteach) i mo ~ é, he gave it into my hand, handed it to me. Chuir sé a ~ ina hata dúinn, he touched his hat to us. S.a. póca 1. (c) (Of side, direction) ~ dheas, ~ chlé, right, left, hand. Ar do ~ chlé, ar thaobh do láimhe clé, on your left-hand side. ~ dheas le Bóinn, with the Boyne on the right. Fig: ~ an tsoiscéil, the left-hand side. (d) (Point of compass) Ó thuaidh ~ siar, (to) north by west. Aneas ~ anoir, from south by east. (Of position) Thiar ~ theas, west by south. 2. (Of action with hands, share in action, etc.) (a) Do ~ a chur ar rud, to put one’s hand on sth. Ná leag ~ air, don’t touch it. Ní leagfar ~ ná méar ort, no one will lay as much as a finger on you. Má theastaíonn sé uait cuir do dhá ~ air, if you want it grab it with both hands. (b) ~ a bheith agat i rud, to have a hand in sth. Bhí ~ ar leith aige ann, he played a special part in it. Cuir do ~ sa trunc liom, give me a hand with the trunk. Ní bheifeá ach ag cur láimhe i do bhás féin leis, it would be suicidal for you. (c) Do ~ a chur le rud, to set one’s hand to sth. Cuir do ~ amach leis, push it out with your hand. Níor cuireadh ~ lena gcosc, no attempt was made to stop them. (d) ~ a thabhairt ar rud a dhéanamh, to make an effort to do sth. Tabhair ~ tharrthála air, try to rescue him. Thug sé ~ chuidithe, chúnta, dom, he gave me a helping hand. ~ ag bualadh agus ~ ag tarrtháil, pretending to give a helping hand. 3. (Of dealing, engagement) (a) Rud a bheith idir ~a agat, to be engaged in sth. Tá a sáith idir ~a acu, they have their hands full. Lean ar do láimh, continue with what you are doing. (b) Rud a chur trí do ~a, to pass sth. through one’s hands. Cuireann sé a lán airgid trína ~a, he handles a lot of money. 4. (Of undertaking, responsibility) Rud a ghlacadh, a thógáil, ar láimh, as láimh, i láimh, to undertake sth. Ghlac sé an gasúr as láimh, he took the boy in hand. Fág ar a láimh é, leave it to him to do. Dá mbeadh sé ar mo láimh, if it depended on me. Tá do shaol ar do láimh féin agat, your future rests in your own hands. 5. (Of skill, prowess) (a) ~ a bheith agat ar rud, to be able to handle sth. Tá ~ aige ar gach uile rud, he can turn his hand to anything. Má tá ~ ar an roth agat, if you can take a turn at the wheel. Rinne tú ~ mhaith air, you handled it well. Is beag ~ a bhíomar a dhéanamh air, we were making little progress with it. Ní thig liom ~ ar bith a dhéanamh air, I can’t make any fist of it. (b)Fear ba mhaith ~, a man who did things well; a man of prowess. Ní raibh fear a láimhe le fáil, there was not a man to best him. Má tá ~ ort, if you can use your hands. Níl ~ ná cos air, he can do nothing right. 6. (Of association, influence) Oibriú as ~ duine, to work in partnership, in collusion, with s.o. Tá siad ag imirt as ~ a chéile, they are playing into each other’s hands. D’aon ~, by concerted effort. ~ isteach a bheith agat le duine, to have pull with s.o. 7. (Of striking, gripping) ~ a thógáil le duine, to raise a hand against s.o. Dul sna ~a le duine, to come to grips, to blows, with s.o. Wr: ~ in íochtar agus ~ in uachtar; ~ thíos agus ~ thuas; ~ istigh agus ~ amuigh, underarm and overarm grip. 8. (Of custody, protection) Duine a thabhairt ar láimh, i láimh, to bring s.o. into custody. Gabhadh do láimh é, he was taken captive. Tugadh ar ~ a namhad é, he was given into the hands of his enemy. Tá tú ar ~ do charad anois, you are in friendly hands now.S.a. sábháil1. 9. (Of control, care) Bheith faoi ~ duine, to be subject to the authority of s.o. Fad a bhí siad faoi ~ na dtiarnaí, whilst they were in the power of the landlords. Faoi ~ dochtúra, undergoing medical treatment. Fuair sé bás faoinár ~a, he died under our care. S.a. easpag1 1. 10. (Of pledge, promise) (a) Seo mo ~ duit air, here’s my hand on it. Thug sé leabhar is ~ (go), he made a solemn promise (that). Dar mo ~! By my hand I swear. (b) Thug siad ~ is focal dá chéile, they pledged their troth, became engaged. Tá ~ is focal eatarthu, they are engaged to be married. 11. (Of disposal, rejection) Rud a chur de láimh, to dispose of sth. Ordú agus cur de láimh, order and disposition. Droim, cúl, láimhe a thabhairt le rud, to reject, renounce, sth. 12. (a) (Of might, oppression, etc.) An ~ láidir, the strong hand. Gadaíocht le ~ láidir, robbery with violence. ~ chrua a choinneáil le duine, to give s.o. a hard time. An ~ throm, the heavy hand. An ~ in uachtar, an ~ uachtair, a fháil ar dhuine, to get the upper hand of s.o. D’imir siad an ~ dhearg air, they laid bloody hands on him. Fear na láimhe deirge, the man with blood on his hands. Ar eagla a láimhe, for fear of his hand, of his power or authority. (b) ~ Dé, the hand of God; visitation of God. An té ar leag Dia a ~ air, he whom God has afflicted. Ba léir dóibh go raibh ~ Dé san obair, they discerned the hand of God in the matter. Lit: ~ deoraí, ladrainn, ‘stranger’s, robber’s, hand,’ death. 13. (a) (Of person) ~ thapa, chróga, a quick, a valiant, hand. ~ chosanta a chine, the protecting hand of his race. ~chothaithe deibhleán Dé, he who fed God’s poor. (b) Rud a chur ó ~ go ~, to pass sth. from hand to hand, from one person to another. (c) (Of worker, employee) ~a a fhostú, to take on hands, workmen. 14. (a) Handwriting. Aithním a ~, lorg a láimhe, I recognize his handwriting. Lit: Aithrisim ar a láimh é, I attribute it to his hand. Is deas an ~ atá aige, he has a nice style of writing. (b) Signature. Do ~ a chur le rud, to sign sth. Gheall sé faoina láimh (go), he signed a promise (that). Faoi mo láimh, signed by me. 15. Cards: ~ máite, hand of trumps. ~ ranna, dealer’s hand. Imirt ar son do láimhe féin, to play a lone hand. Ná himir as láimh, don’t play out of turn. Tá titim láimhe aige, the trick is falling to him. S.a. caith 1. 16. (a) ~a cloig, hands of clock. An ~ mhór, bheag, the minute-, hour-, hand. (b) Handle. ~ buicéid, caidéil, handle of bucket, of pump. ~ laisce, switch handle. ~ dhúisithe, starting handle. ~ maide rámha, grasp of oar. 17. Measure. (a) (Of horse) Four inches. Cúig ~a déag (ar airde), fifteen hands (high). (b) (Of fish, plants, etc.) Three. Daichead ~ sa chéad, forty hands make a (great) hundred. 18. Ent: ~ fhuar, ~ liath, white caterpillar. 19. (Adjectival, adverbial and figurative usages) (a) Scáthán láimhe, hand-mirror. Obair láimhe, manual work. Caitheamh faoi láimh, underhand throw. S.a. airgead 2. cíos 2, cliath1 1, maide 1(c), obair 2(a). (b) Láimh le, close by, beside. Suigh láimh liom, sit at my hand, beside me. Ag siúl láimh le cuan, walking along by the harbour. Tá sé láimh le a bheith déanta, it is nearly done. I láimh a chéile, by degrees. (c) In aice láimhe, near at hand. I bhfad ó láimh, hard to get at. Faoi do láimh, ready to hand. Tá mé ag an láimh agat, I am at your hand, service. As láimh, immediately. (d) Lán na ~, armful, great deal. Bhí lán na ~ de chóta mór leis, he was carrying a large overcoat. Ghnóthaigh sé lán na ~ air, he made a vast profit on it. Tarraingt na láimhe de rud a bheith agat, to have sth. to draw on; to have enough of sth. for one’s needs. Cúl láimhe a bheith agat, to have something to fall back on. Tá an mac ar chúl láimhe aige, he has his son to give him a helping hand. Níl ~ ar gcúl againn, we have nothing in reserve. Tháinig loime na ~ orthu, they became impoverished. Níl acu ach ón ~ go dtí an béal, they live from hand to mouth. D’imigh sé agus a dhá ~ chomh fada le chéile, he went away empty-handed. Is beag rud nach faide ná do ~, anything is better than working with bare hands. Ná bíodh do ~ i mbéal an mhadra agat, don’t invite trouble. Ba ~ i nead nathrach drannadh leis, it was perilous to fall foul of him. S.a. comaoin1 2, dorn1, eascann, iata 2(a), síneadh 2, tomhas.
lámh2. 1 = láimhsigh. 2 = lámhach2.
~ lámh anoir, lámh aniar, from north by east, by west.
In ~ láimhe, near at hand.
Tá a lámh in ~ leis, he has lost the use of his arm.
Bhí lámh ~ aige, he had a deformed hand.
~ láimhe, cash (on hand).
Lámh ar ~, undertaking assured of success.
Go h~ na láimhe, to the haft.
Aithním lorg a láimhe, I know his handwriting.
~ na láimhe, na huillinne, na glúine, na gualainne, wrist-, elbow-, knee-, shoulder-, joint.
Sín ~ do lámh, stretch out your hand.
~ lámh anoir, lámh aniar, from south by east, by west.
~ lámh aduaidh, aneas, from west by north, by south.
~ aduaidh lámh aduaidh, lámh ~, from north-west by north, by west.
~ aneas lámh aneas, lámh ~, from south-west by south, by west.
Cuir do lámh ~ tharam, put your arm over me (from behind).
~ lámh aduaidh, aneas, from east by north, by south.
~ aduaidh lámh aduaidh, lámh ~, from north-east by north, by east.
~ aneas lámh aneas, lámh ~, from south-east by south, by east. ~
D’~ sí a lámha agus a súile, she raised up her hands and eyes.
Cuir do lámh i m’~, faoi m’~, take my arm (for support).
Rud a iompar ar bhacán do láimhe, to carry sth. on one’s bent arm.
~ do lámh as do phóca, take your hand out of your pocket.
~ láimhe, rotha, hand-, wheel-, barrow.
Chuir sé lámh ina bhás féin, he committed suicide.
Níl aige ach ón lámh go dtí an ~, he lives from hand to mouth.
Rud a bheartú i do lámh, to poise sth. in one’s hand for throwing.
~ láimhe, sleight-of-hand.
Ní ~ dó, leis, lámh a chroitheadh le daoine, he does not make a habit of shaking hands with people.
Rug sé ar lámh, greim láimhe, orm, he caught, gripped, me by the hand.
~ idir do lámha air, take it in your hands, arms.
Dá mbeadh mo lámha nite, if my hands were washed.
~ airgid, bainc, iompair, láimhe, money-, bank-, way-, hand-, bill.
Bhíog sé nuair a chuir mé mo lámh air, he gave a start when I put my hand on him.
Fuair mo lámh ~, my hand (has) healed.
~ do chos, do lámh, get a move on, get busy.
Dar bhrí an bhata seo i mo lámh, (I swear) by this stick in my hand.
~ láimhe an Tiarna, the handmaid of the Lord.
Chaith sé as mo lámh é, he knocked it out of my hand.
Do lámh a chaitheamh i bpaca, i gcártaí, to discard one’s hand.
Tá a lámh i g~, his hand is in splints.
~ na láimhe, small of the hand, wrist.
Chas sí a dhá lámh thairis, she wound her two arms round him.
Bhain sé ~ as mo lámh, he gave my hand a twist.
~ láimhe, short-handled hammer.
Lámha duine a cheangal, to tie s.o.’s hands.
Cheangail siad a lámha dá thaobhanna, they pinioned his arms to his sides.
~ láimhe, hand (from wrist)
Cad é atá ~ lena lámh? What’s the matter with his hand?
Lig mé dó titim as mo lámh le ~, I was so jittery that I let it fall out of my hand.
Dá mbeadh sé ~ mo láimhe agam, if I had it close to my hand.