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géill could be a grammatical form of: giall »
géill1. 1. v.t. & i. (With do) Yield, submit (to). (a) Render obedience to. ~eadh do Dhia, to obey God. ghéilleann do Dhia do dhuine, he has no regard for God or man. (b) Defer to. Ghéill éigse , learned men accepted his authority. Ach amháin go raibh ag ~eadh mháthair, only that I had consideration for his mothers feelings. (c) Surrender to. ~eadh don namhaid, to submit to the enemy. Ghéill an t-arm, the army surrendered. (d) Comply with. ~eadh dordú, to comply with an order. Ghéill do machainí, he yielded to my entreaty. Níor ghéill siad don rabhadh, they didnt accept the warning. (e) Give oneself to. ~eadh do chathú, do pheaca, to yield to temptation, to sin. (f) Give credence to. ~eadh do phiseoga, to yield to superstition. ghéillim do thaibhsí, I dont believe in ghosts. An ngéillfeá do rud mar sin? Would you credit such a thing? Níor ghéill riamh iontu, he never believed in them. (g) Give way to. ~eadh do dhuine sa slí, to yield the road to s.o. ghéillfeadh orlach, he wouldnt budge an inch. (h) Concede. ~eadh dargóint, to concede an argument. ~im duit sa mhéid sin, I grant you that much. Ghéill go raibh an ceart agam, he admitted that I was right. (i) Respond to. Ghéill an bád don stiúir, the boat answered the helm. 2. ~ slí, yield right of way.
géill2, gs. & var. npl. of giall2.
géill3 : giall1.
~ géill, jaw-bone.
Géilleadh gan chomha, to surrender unconditionally.
3. ~ géill, angle of jaw; lower jaw-bone, jaw.
Géilleadh don ~, to submit to jurisdiction.
Géilleadh, umhlú, do dhuine, to submit, bow, to s.o.
Géilleadh do dhubh gach eagla, always to fear the worst.
~ chun géillte, summons to surrender.
Géilleadh don fhoréigean, to yield to force.
~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to submit to s.o.; to accept s.o.’s authority; to give way to s.o.
Bheith faoi ghéilleadh ag duine, to be subject, obedient, to s.o.
Fear ba mhór ~, a man who had great authority.
~ gan chomha, unconditional surrender.
~ a thabhairt do rud, to comply with sth.; to concede sth.; to give credence to sth.
Níl aon ghéilleadh ann, he is unflinching, unyielding.
Cnámh géill, jaw-bone.
I mbun an ghéill, on the under-jaw.
Breathnú i leith do ghéill ar dhuine, to look askance at s.o.
Géilleadh don ~, to yield to force.
Gan ~ a ghéilleadh, not to yield an inch.
~ a ghéilleadh do dhuine, to defer to s.o.
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