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faobhar1, m. (gs. & npl. -air, gpl. ~). 1. Sharp edge. (a) (Of blade) ~ scine, speile, rásúir, sharpened edge of knife, of scythe, of razor. ~ a chur ar rud, to sharpen sth. maith ionat ag cur faobhair, if you are any good at sharpening things. An ~ a bhaint de rud, to take the edge off sth. (Is é an) ~ a bhaineas (an) féar, a scythe is no better than its edge. S.a. arm1 1(a), cloch1 1(h). (b) Fig:~ a chur ort féin, to sharpen, smarten, oneself. ~ ar a teanga, she has a sharp tongue. tarraing a ~ ort, dont let her get her knife into you. Bhí ~ ar a shúile liom, he looked daggers at me. Tháinig ~ ar a ghuth, his voice hardened. ~ ar an , the day is bitterly cold. ~ troda ort, if you are keen on fighting. Le fuinneamh is le ~, with energy and zest. Fear faobhair, keen, determined, man. Cuirfidh ~ ar do ghoile, it will whet your appetite. 2. Edge. ~ aille, edge of cliff. ~ soithigh, lip of vessel. Rud a chur ar a fhaobhar, to set sth. on its edge. Bhuail a cheann ar fhaobhar an bhoird, he struck his head against the edge of the table. an bád ag imeacht ar a ~, the boat is keeling over. Le ~ na hoíche, at nightfall. 3. Sharp-edged instrument; bladed weapon, sword. Bás le ~, death by the sword. Le tine is le ~, with fire and sword. 4. (In phrase) Cúl le ~, out of the way; remote, secluded. (Var: pl. faobhra)
faobhar2 = gaobhar.
faobhar ar do scian, if your knife has a sharp edge.
~ géar, faobhair, sharp, edged, weapon.
~ fhaobhair, líofa, whetstone, hone.
~ faghartha, faobhair, hardening, sharpening, steel.
Faobhar a chur, to set an edge.
~ scine, faobhair, back of knife, of sharp instrument.
Faobhar ~, clean edge.
~ faobhair, sharpener.
buanaí go faobhar, a reaper must (be able to) sharpen his blade.
Faobhar ~e, slant edge.
~ ar a faobhar, plain, standing stitch of rib.
Cuir ~ faobhair air, sharpen it a bit.
Reanna agus faobhair, pointed and bladed weapons, spears and swords.
~ deilge, faobhair, point of thorn, of edged weapon.
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