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dún1, m. (gs. dúin, pl. ~ta). 1. Fort; fortress. 2. Place of refuge, haven. ~ long, haven for ships. 3. (Secure) residence, house. ~ , Gods house, heaven. Sa ~ seo, in this house (of security). 4. Promontory fort; bluff. (Var: gs. & pl. ~a)
dún2, v.t. & i. 1. Close, shut. Doras, bosca, bearna, do shúile, a dhúnadh, to close a door, a box, a gap, ones eyes. Teach, siopa, a dhúnadh, to close up a house, a shop. Oibreacha, muileann, a dhúnadh, to close down works, a mill. Bóthar a dhúnadh, to close a road (to traffic). Poll a dhúnadh, to stop a hole. Cuntas a dhúnadh, to close an account. Cneá a dhúnadh, to close, bind, a wound. Do chroí a dhúnadh ar rud, to harden ones heart against sth. Dhúnfadh do chroí, it would wring all feeling from ones heart. Dhún an doras orm, he shut the door on me. Dhún an fhuinneog le clocha, he walled up the window. ~ (anuas) an clár air, close (down) the lid on it. Go ndúna an clár, béal na huaighe, orm, until I am coffined, buried; (not) as long as I live. Do shúile a dhúnadh ar rud, to shut ones eyes to sth. ~ do dhorn air, grasp, hold, it tight; take it when you have the chance. Dhún (a dhorn) ar an airgead, he held on to the money. ~adh ar áit, ar dhuine, to close in on a place, on s.o. Dhún an ceo (isteach)orainn, the fog closed in upon us. ~ suas é, close it up. 2. Draw together; secure, fasten. Ball éadaigh a dhúnadh, to fasten (up) a garment. Cuirtíní a dhúnadh, to draw curtains. Do chasóg a dhúnadh, to button ones jacket. Bráisléad a dhúnadh, to clasp a bracelet.
~ an bhéil dúnta, sweet silence.
~ dúnta, closed mouth;
~ dúnta, road closed; no thoroughfare.
~ dúnta, safety pin.
~ dúin, rim of fort.
Dún do chab! Shut your gob!
Dún do chlab! Shut your gob!
Dún, cathair, príosúnaigh, a choimeád, to guard a fort, a city, prisoners.
~ dúnta, iata, unfeeling heart; heavy heart.
Níor dhún D~ doras riamh nár oscail ceann eile, [’God never closed one door without opening another’, God never shuts out opportunity.
Tarraing, dún, i do dhiaidh é, draw, close, it after you.
Dúnta go ~, securely closed.
Ceangailte, dúnta, go ~, tightly bound, closed.
An ~ a dhúnadh ar dhuine, to close the door against s.o.
Do dhorn a dhúnadh (ar rud), to close ones fist (over, round, sth.).
~ dúnta, closed fist; close-fisted person.
fhaigheann lámh iata ach ~ dúnta, (i) if you dont give you wont get, (ii) violence begets violence.
Ar dhreich an dúin, gach dorais, in front of the fort, of every door.
~ thar dún, to scale a fort.
~ fuinneoige, the closing, the walling up, of a window.
~ , the closing (up) of a house.
~ monarchan, the closing (down) of a factory.
~ cuirtíní, the drawing of curtains.
~ an dorais i ndiaidh na foghla, locking the stable door after the horse has been stolen.
théann ~ ar a bhéal, he never closes his mouth, never stops talking.
~ bearna, the filling of a gap.
~ dáin, the close of a poem.
~ briste, interrupted cadence.
Geata ~, closed gate.
Teach ~, closed-up house.
Spéir dhúnta, heavily overcast sky.
hea amháin a chreachadar an dún (ach), not only did they plunder the fortress (but).
Doras a fhágáil dúnta, to leave a door closed.
~ dúin, open space, lawn, in front of (ancient) fort.
~ cnoic, dúin, top of hill, of fort.
~ baile, dúin, relief of town, of fort.
Baile, dún, a ghabháil, to take a town, a fort.
~ dúin, capture of a fort.
D’~ siad um an dún, they closed in on, surrounded, the fort.
~ an dúin, the exterior of the fort.
~ curaigh Maoile Dúin, Maelduns currach voyage.
Toghladh an dún leis, the fort was stormed by him.
Thar ~ na loinge, an dúin, over the side of the ship, of the fort.
Dún a ~eadh, to storm a fort.
Dhún an doras de phlab, the door closed with a bang.
Na ~anna a dhúnadh, to close the ranks.
Dúnann go ~, it closes readily.
~ dúin, encircling wall of (ring-)fort.
Ag ~adh an dúin, reconnoitring the fort.
Dún na cnaipí ~, fasten the back buttons.
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