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díobháil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of díobháil2. 2. Loss, deprivation, want. ~, de dhíobháil, ruda, want, for want, of sth. ~ airgid, aire, céille, lack of money, of care, of sense. Rud a bheith de dhíobháil ort, to be in need of sth. Rud a chur de dhíobháil ar dhuine, to deprive s.o. of sth. Níl ~ leabhar orthu, they have no lack of books. Pian na díobhála, the pain of loss. 3. Injury, harm, damage. ~ duine a dhéanamh; ~ a dhéanamh do dhuine, to do an injury to s.o. ~ choirp, anama, bodily, spiritual, harm. ~ gan leigheas, irreparable damage. Gan ~ gan dochar, without hurt or harm. haon ~ é a dhéanamh, it is no harm to do it; it is just as well to do it. Cad é an ~ (ach)? What harm (but)? Dul i n~ ar dhuine, to cause damage to, trespass on, s.o.’s property. 4. (As conj.) ~ nach bhfaca iad, because I didnt see them.
díobháil2, v.t. (pres. -álann). Jur: Injure, harm.
díobháil an tobac air, he feels the want of tobacco.
i mo cheolán de dhíobháil codlata, my head is buzzing for want of sleep.
Cailleadh é de dhíobháil misnigh, he was lost through lack of courage.
Díobháil dearcaidh, lack of vision; want of consideration.
Díobháil eolais, lack of knowledge.
~adh é de dhíobháil cuidithe, he got stuck for want of help.
Ceal, díobháil, foghlama, want of learning, ignorance.
~ de dhíobháil tobac, he is short-tempered for want of tobacco.
Díobháil a leasú, to undo harm,
~ ar dhíobháil, redress for injury.
Díobháil, gabháil, mhailíseach, malicious damage, arrest.
Díobháil phearsanta, personal injury.
~ an díobháil seo, considering this evil.
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