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críonna, a3. 1. (a) Wise, prudent. bhíonn ~ ach an a mhealltar, experience teaches wisdom. Is ~ an a dhéanann a ghnóthaí féin, a wise man minds his own business. Is ~ an a déarfadh, he would be a wise man that could tell. (b) Shrewd, sagacious. ~ i mbun gnóthaí, he is a shrewd business man. Chomh ~ le sionnach, as cunning as a fox. Níor chríonna an cat an coimhéadaí, the watcher was as cunning as the cat’, the trick was discovered in time. (c) Thrifty. Fear crua ~, a hard-working thrifty man. Bheith ~ gan a bheith ceachartha, to be thrifty but not miserly. 2. Grown-up, mature. Duine ~ páiste, a grown-up person or a child. Aisfhreagra a thabhairt ar dhuine ~, to be disrespectful to ones elders. 3. Old. Athair ~, grandfather. Máthair chríonna, grandmother. S.a. buachaill 4.
~ mór, críonna, grandfather.
An ~ críonna, the old fellow; the Devil.
Is minic a chealg briathra míne cailín críonna, many a prudent girl was led astray with honeyed words.
Is deacair ceann críonna a chur ar cholainn óg, you cant put an old head on young shoulders.
~ mór, críonna, grand-dad.
~ mhór, ~ chríonna, grandmother.
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