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cóisir, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~í). 1. (Wedding-)feast, banquet. Halla ~e, banqueting hall. ~ chraois, gluttonous feast. Gorta ~, feast or famine. 2. Festive party; social gathering. ~ bhainise, wedding-party, -guests. ~ chártaí, card-party. ~ dhamhsa, dance-party. ~ gharraí, garden-party. ~ shamhraidh, picnic-party. ~ shochraide, funeral-party. Bhí ~ ag na páistí, the children had a party. Bheith ar ~ ag duine, to be at s.o.’s party, to be the guest of s.o. bhfaighfeá duine ar chóisir mar é, he is the life and soul of a party. bhíonn ~ ar bith gan amadán, there is a fool at every party. S.a. caochóg. 3. Retinue, suite; attendant group. (a) a chóisir leis, he has brought his party along. Bhí ~ mhór leo an a pósadh iad, they had a great retinue of guests on their wedding day. duine chóisir , I am not in his train; I am not one of his set. Prov: An chóisir i ndiaidh na hóinsí, every fool has his following. (b) (Of family group) A chóisir chlainne, his retinue of children. Is breá an chóisir iníonacha atá aige, he has a fine troupe of daughters. An cat is a chóisir, the cat and its (train of) kittens. An chearc is a ~, the hen with her chicks. 4. Large group, assembly. Tháinig siad ~ mhór acu, a large crowd of them came. ~ ag barr an bhóthair, there is a concourse of people at the top of the road. Bhí ~ ríchártaí agam, I had a suit, a lot, of court cards. (Var:gs. ~each1, pl. ~eacha; ~e f)
~ ar cóisir, socially backward person; wallflower.
Tharla ag dul ar cóisir, one day I happened to be going to a party.
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