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bacán1, m. (gs. & npl. -áin, gpl. ~). 1. Hinge-hook. 2. Crook. Rud a iompar ar bhacán do láimhe, to carry sth. on ones bent arm. Mec.E: ~ cromáin, crank-arm. 3. Peg. ~ sa bhalla, a peg in the wall. ~ a chur sa talamh, to put a peg, a short stake, in the ground. ar na bacáin, it is on the stocks, in course of preparation. ~ téide, tethering post. do bhacán sáite, you are pegged down, married. Fágadh mise i mbun an bhacáin, I was left holding the baby. 4. ~ brád, collar-bone. 5. Glass (of poteen).
bacán2, m. (gs. & npl. -áin, gpl. ~). 1. (Stalk of) water-lily. ~ bán, white water-lily. 2 = beacán.
Acastóir, bacán, cás, pionna, cromáin, crank-axle, -arm, -case, -pin.
Bacán a ísliú, to lower a peg.
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