anró, m. (gs. ~). 1. Hardship (due to severe weather). Fuacht agus ~ a fhulaingt, to endure cold and hardship (of weather). ~ an gheimhridh, (distress resulting from) the inclemency of winter. Thug sé ~ dó féin, he exposed himself to hardship. ~ oibre, siúil, strain of work, of travel. ~ an tsaoil, hardships of life. Éan an ~, (i) storm petrel, (ii) person who is out in all kinds of weather. 2. Wretched condition. Tá an teach ag dul chun ~, the house is getting weather-beaten, falling into disrepair. Ag dul chun ~ agus chun ainreachta, going to rack and ruin. S.a. adhastar.
Chuir sí a ceann in ~ an anró, she made an unfortunate marriage.
Níl aon ~ aige san anró, he is unconcerned about hardship.
Clóite leis an anró, inured to hardship.
Dhoirt anró agus eagla orthu, hardship and fear descended on them.
Pian, anró, éagóir, a fhulaingt, to endure pain, hardship, injustice.
~ an anró, na hainnise, look of hardship, of misery.
Bheith in ~ an anró, to be in dire poverty.
~ fada ar an anró, a long tale of woe.
~ an anró, ‘weather-straw’, eaves of thatch.
B’fhéidir nár mhó an ~ ná an t-anró, the advantages might not outweigh the disadvantages.
Bhí ~ an anró orthu, they had a pinched look from the cold.
Chuamar trí anás agus anró, we endured want and hardship.
Níl siad ~tha leis an anró go fóill, they are not inured to hardships yet.