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taistealaí could be a grammatical form of: taistil » · taistealach » · taistealach »
Belated traveller, taistealaí ar tháinig an oíche air.
Commercial room, seomra m taistealaithe.
Commercial traveller with a wide connection, taistealaí m tráchtála a bhfuil custaiméireacht mhór aige.
The regular travellers, na taistealaithe gnácha.
The remaining travellers, an chuid eile de na taistealaithe.
Travelling salesman, taistealaí m tráchtála.
Saloon passenger, taistealaí den chéad rang.
Commercial traveller's territory, limistéar taistealaí tráchtála.
He travels in tea, in spirits, taistealaí tae, biotáille, é.
(Commercial-) traveller, taistealaí m (tráchtála).
Traveller in tea, taistealaí m tae.
Traveller wedged in between two fat women, taistealaí atá brúite idir bheirt mhná ramhra.
Traveller working the western counties, taistealaí i mbun na gcontaetha thiar.
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