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Similar words: rapa · róba · róca · gropa · próca
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To make a rope fast, rópa a cheangal go daingean.
The rope went, scar an rópa.
To haul on a rope, tarraingt ar rópa,
To heave at a rope, tarraingt ar rópa.
With the help of a rope, ach rópa a úsáid.
Hide rope, rópa leathair, craicinn.
F: It was a close pinch, chuaigh go snaidhm an rópa liom (leat, etc.).
To pour out curses, rópa eascainí a chur díot.
Hempen rope, rópa cnáibe.
Three-stranded rope, rópa trí dhual.
The ropes, na rópaí.
To rope s.o. to a tree, duine a cheangal de chrann le rópa,
A yard of spare rope, slat rópa le cois.
The strain on the rope, an teannadh ar an rópa.
To strain at a rope, tarraingt go teann ar rópa.
Three stranded rope, rópa trí dhual.
String of curses, rópa m eascainí.
The rope takes the stress, beireann an strus ar an rópa.
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