Lady almoner, banalmsóir m (in ospidéal).
Cottage hospital, (i) ospidéal m sráidbhaile; (ii) ospidéal m bothanna.
To discharge a patient (from hospital), othar a scaoileadh amach (as ospidéal).
Hospital financed by voluntary effort, ospidéal a choinnítear suas trí shaothar deonach.
Hospital gangrene, morgadh ospidéil.
(Of medical student) To walk the hospitals, bheith ag foghlaim in ospidéil.
Isolation hospital, ospidéal leithlise.
Lying-in hospital, ospidéal luí seoil.
Maternity hospital, ospidéal m máithreachais.
Mental hospital, mental home, ospidéal m meabhairghalar.
(Sick-) nurse, hospital nurse, banaltra f (ospidéil).
Hospital orderly, medical orderly, giolla m ospidéil.
Hospital regulations, rialacha ospidéil.
They were rushed to hospital, greadadh chun an ospidéil iad.
Hospital with specialized wards, ospidéal a bhfuil bardaí sainfheidhme ann.
Hospital ward, barda m ospidéil.